Spiritual Succession and Divine Trust

Case Study Description

  • The holder of the Trust of Allah, a Sarwari Qadri spiritual guide has to search for a disciple eligible enough to transfer the Divine Trust.
  • Likewise, Sultan-ul-Faqr VI Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali also searched for his spiritual heir. To whom he could transfer the Divine Trust and absolve from his responsibility.

Before discussing that, it is important to clarify the difference between spiritual succession and the spiritual heir of Divine Trust.

Spiritual Succession

The perfect and accomplished spiritual guide who possesses the light of Divine guidance grants succession to many of his disciples. This can be of two types, exoteric and esoteric.

Exoteric Succession

After the death of spiritual guide, the exoteric successors run after the system of khanqah. For that purpose, spiritual guide usually grants the exoteric succession to shrine superiors.

Esoteric Succession

Certainly, the perfect spiritual guide possesses the entire Divine attributes. In esoteric succession, he grants his specific attribute to particular disciples. For that matter, he tests the disciple based on his sincerity and hard work. Then if the disciple passes and pleases his spiritual guide, he trains him according to that particular attribute. After completion of training, the spiritual guide gives him succession. Then the disciple can guide and help people under that attribute.

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