The grandeur of the Fakirs
Allah says in the Holy Quran:
وَ قَالَ رَبُّکُمُ ادۡعُوۡنِیۡۤ اَسۡتَجِبۡ لَکُمۡ ؕ اِنَّ الَّذِیۡنَ یَسۡتَکۡبِرُوۡنَ عَنۡ عِبَادَتِیۡ سَیَدۡخُلُوۡنَ جَہَنَّمَ دٰخِرِیۡنَ ﴿٪۶۰﴾
Meaning: And your Lord has said: ‘Always pray to Me; I shall certainly grant your prayer. Surely, those who turn away from My worship in defiance will soon enter Hell disgraced.’ (Al-Momin verse no 60).
Supplication is the crux of every devotion. A Muslim, when he gets free from the devotion of Allah, expresses his dreams and desires to Allah, which is the expression of his humility over Allah’s power over his creation. From the perspective of the creation, humans are indeed helpless; however, Allah has command over everything and is kind and affectionate. He is able to fulfil every demand and desire.
Power of prayer of the Fakirs
On the journey of life, when we seek an esteemed company, we often find ourselves looking for an intermediary. Thus, it is vital to seek the guidance of the virtuous, such as the Fakirs and the messengers of Allah, for they are His cherished and beloved ones. A Hadith says:
مَحَبَّتِیْ مَحَبَّۃُ الْفَقَرَآئِ
Meaning: Loving me is loving the Fakirs.
Keeping love for the Fakirs
Similarly, keeping enmity for the Fakirs is keeping enmity for Allah.
Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani says about the Fakirs in his book Sirr al-Asrar:
Those who love the Fakirs, who are the beloveds of Allah, will be with them. Moreover, the sign of their love is that they have the desire to be with the Fakirs and ultimately have the closeness of Allah. Just as Allah Almighty says in the Hadith:
طَالَ شَوْقُ الْاَبْرَارِ اِلٰی لِقَآئِیْ وَ اِنِّیْ لَاَشَدُّ شَوْقًا اِلَیْہِمْ
Meaning: The pious desire to see me and I desire to see them more than them. (Sirr al-Asrar)
Hadiths about the grandeur of the Fakirs:
Sultan Bahoo writes 40 hadiths about the grandeur of the Fakirs in his book “Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan”. To explain the grandeur of the Fakirs some of the Hadiths are mentioned below.
The Holy Prophet said, “There is a key for everything, and the key to paradise is the love of the Fakirs and Miskeens. Thence, on the Doomsday, there will be no sin upon them, and they will be seated with Allah.”
The Holy Prophet said to Abu Zar Ghaffari, “O’ Abu Zar! The Fakirs are those whose smile is prayer, whose humour is like glorification and whose sleep is charity. Allah looks towards them three hundred times a day. If one takes seventy steps to visit a Fakir, Allah grants him the reward of seventy accepted Hajj for each step. If one gives food to a Fakir in the time of need, that food will be added to his reward on the Doomsday in the form of Divine light.”
The Holy Prophet said, “On the Doomsday when Allah would gather the Fakirs and Masakeen, He would allow them to let all those people be forgiven who had given them anything in the world to eat, drink, or wear, or had helped them during trouble. Allah would say; Hold their hand and enter the Jannah.”
The love of the Fakirs and Masakeen is one of the attributes of Prophets; attending their gatherings is the attribute of the pious while keeping away from them is the way of hypocrites.”
The Holy Prophet said, “The Fakir of My nation will enter the Jannah half a day before the rich, and that half day would be equal to five hundred years.”
“Serve the Fakir! Certainly, Allah has grand treasures for them.”
More hadiths
The Holy Prophet said, “The words of the Fakir are the words of Allah. Whoever rejects (or insults) their words, in fact, rejects Allah’s words. If anyone would keep enmity against them, Allah would save them from his enmity.”
“The Fakirs are superior to the rich just as I am superior to the entire creation. The Fakir is never inclined towards the people, even during hunger or illness.”
“Allah created every creation with the soil of the earth, but the Prophets and the Fakirs were created with the soil of Jannah. One who wants to become the true slave of Allah must honour the Fakirs.”
“The Fakirs are to the rich just as the stick is to the blind.”
“Those are cursed by Allah who respect the rich due to their affluence, and those are also cursed by Allah who insult the Fakirs due to their Faqr. Such people are considered the enemy of Allah and Prophets on the skies. Neither any of their prayers is accepted nor is any wish fulfilled.”
“Certainly, the angels keep asking forgiveness for the Fakirs and will be their intercessor on the Doomsday. How lucky would be the one whose intercessor would be the angels!”
“No doubt! Allah looks towards the Fakirs (with kindness) five hundred times a day and forgives their seven mistakes every time.”
“One who unjustly annoyed any faithful Fakir, it is as if he demolished the Holy Kaaba and killed a thousand exalted angels.”
“For Allah, the honour of a faithful Fakir is higher than the seven skies, seven earths, mountains and whatever is in between them and the most exalted angels.”
“Verily, Allah blesses my nation due to the veritable scholars and the Fakirs because the scholars are my heirs, and the Fakirs are my friends.”
“If rich people would love the Fakirs, it would be a source of enlightenment for them in the world and the hereafter.”
Sultan Bahoo says about the grandeur of Fakirs
When Doomsday occurs and the entire creation is gathered for requital, the place on earth where the true scholars worshipped Allah or gained knowledge for His sake, as well as the place where the Fakirs sat, engrossed in Allah and Divine deeds, will shine brightly like the sun and will be honored with the title “Baab-ul-Masakeen”. That place will pick those scholars and Fakirs who are the true and perfect men of Allah, like the heavenly Pegasus and will take them to heaven, crossing the Sirat Bridge.
Allah says;
وَ یَقُوْلُ الْکٰفِرُ یٰلَیْتَنِیْ کُنْتُ تُرٰبًا۔ سورۃ النبا۔(40)
Meaning: (On that day) the disbelievers will say, “Would that we were dust”. (An-Naba-40)
The disbelievers will say, “Would that we were the dust of the feet of true scholars and the Fakir so that we could have entered the heaven through their medium and got salvation from the torment of hell.” On that day, you will acknowledge the worth of the practitioner-scholars and the perfect Fakirs. Moreover, they are the most elevated groups; whoever holds to them is relieved from all the worries in the world and hereafter.
قُلْ لِاَصْحَابِکَ اِغْتَنِمُوْا دَعْوَۃَ الْفُقَرَآئِ فَاِنَّھُمْ عِنْدِیْ وَ اَنَا عِنْدَھُمْ
Meaning: Seek good wishes from the Mystics as they endure hunger and thirst (for the sake of Allah). Certainly, Allah keeps them under His kind attention and accepts their prayers.
Power of words of Fakirs
The words of the Fakirs are never rejected; either they come true on the same day or the Doomsday, for a moment or perpetuity, in an instant or after years. Moreover, the Holy Prophet said about the Fakir who has attained the boundless and infinite levels of closeness to Allah by annihilating in Him:
لِسَانُ الْفُقَرَآءِ سَیْفُ الرَّحْمٰن
Meaning: The tongue of the Fakirs is the sword of Rehman.
Such Fakirs only belong to the Sarwari Qadri order. Outwardly, they are the beloveds and inwardly lost in Divinity, outwardly vigilant but inwardly drowned in the vision of Allah. (Nur-ul-Huda Kalan)
Punjabi poetry

Sultan Bahoo is the Universal Divine Man and the Sultan of Mystics. He says about him in his Punjabi poetry:
میں شہباز کراں پروازاں، وِچ دریائے کرم دے ھوُ
زبان تاں میری کنُ برابر، موڑاں کم قلم دے ھوُ
افلاطون ارسطو وَرگے، میرے اَگے کِس کم دے ھوُ
حاتم جیہے کئی لکھ کروڑاں، در باھوؒ دے منگدے ھوُ
Meaning: I’m the falcon! My flights in Compassion’s Ocean are matchless
My command is that of “Be”; I can alter the Pen of destiny
Plato and Aristotle are nothing before me
Many, like Hatim, beg at Bahoo’s doorstep
He says in this quatrain:
I am the falcon of gnosis, and the ocean of Allah’s Compassion is surging within me. My tongue has been given the authority of “Be” after becoming the Universal Divine Man; hence, I can alter what’s been destined on the Divine Tablet. Knowledge of Aristotle and Plato has no significance in front of me. Many generous like Hatim beg at my doorway. In a Persian quatrain, he elaborates on this status:
جائی کہ من رسیدم اِمکان نہ ہیچ کس را
شہبازِ لامکانم آنجا کجا مگس را
لوح و قلم و کرسی کونین راہ نیابد
فرشتگان نگنجد آنجا نہ جائے ہوس را
Explanation: The level of Divine Oneness which I have attained, no one has access to it. I am the falcon of the station beyond all stations. The flies (seekers of the world and hereafter) can never reach there. The Guarded Tablet, Pen, Throne, even both the worlds cannot find their way till there. Neither the angels nor the desirous (of the world) can stay there. (Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan)
Hence, the seekers of Allah and the devotees should serve the Fakirs and make a paramount effort to ensure their pleasure and contentment while avoiding their estrangement because their displeasure is the displeasure of Allah. Thus, their contentment is the contentment of Allah.
Sultan Bahoo ra says:
“Until Doomsday, the presence of Fakirs will bless every country from east to west, saving them from calamities.” They have right over the entire creation. Therefore, everyone, whether superior or inferior, should serve them.”
(Nur-ul-Huda Kalan)
سَیِّدُ الْقَوْمِ خَادِمُ الْفُقَرَآئِ
Meaning: The ruler of the nation is the servant of the Fakirs.
Prophet Mohammad honoured Faqr and declared it his pride because Faqr is directly from Allah and has the name of Allah upon it. Consequently, jealous and hypocritical individuals, or those trapped by their own actions and backbiting, are the enemies of Faqr.” (Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan)
خندہ بر سینہ صافان می کنی ہشیار باش
ہر کہ بر آئینہ خندد رویش خندی خود کند
Meaning: Beware! Please don’t laugh at the true mystics, as their inwards are pure and pellucid-like mirrors. One who laughs at the mirror actually laughs at himself. (Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan)
“May Allah protect us from the disrespect and impertinence of the Fakirs, and provide us with the ability to serve the Fakirs. May He grant us the vision and closeness to Allah. Ameen.”
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