Markaz e Faqr Sultan ul Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib ur Rehman
Faqr (Sufism) is the soul of Islam. It is the path of nearness to the Allah Almighty. Faqr is not a modern invention but the true spirit of Islam.
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) said:
“Faqr is my pride and Faqr is from me and Faqr is the reason of my superiority over all the Prophets and Messengers.”
He (pbuh) is the the owner of the Divine trust of Faqr and the Master of the worlds. The centre of Sufism (Markaz e Faqr) exoterically keeps on changing with his (pbuh) permission.
What is Faqr?
Sultan ul Arifeen Sultan Bahoo says:
- Faqr is exactly the Divine Essence. (Ain-ul-Faqr)
- Faqr is the knowledge of Divine vision. (Ain-ul-Faqr)
- All the Prophets entreated Allah for Faqr and to become the followers of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). This wish did not get approval. Whoever perfectly followed Prophet Mohammad made the Mohammadan Faqr his companion. Neither there is nor there will be any station higher and worth more pride than Faqr. Faqr is the eternal life. (Nur-ul-Huda Kalan)
There is a Hadith:
Faqr is the only way to get closer to Allah. Only the Perfect Fakirs guides a man on the command of the Holy Prophet (pbuh).
History of Centres of Sufism
A centre of Sufism (Markaz e Faqr) has been set up in every era by the order and permission of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) to convey this treasure of Faqr to the seekers of Allah. This is happening from the time of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) to the present day. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) was the direct centre of Sufism during his lifetime. The Lady of Paradise Fatimah al-Zahra got the Divine treasure of Faqr from Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). She holds the highest rank of the Sultan of Faqr I.
Ali ibn Abi Talib was the first to make request about the path of Faqr in the Holy court of Prophet Mohamamd (pbuh). Eventually, he became the spiritual leader of the gnosis (ma’rifa) of Allah and the chain of mystic orders of Sufism. Afterwards, this eternal wealth of Faqr of People of Cloak was transferred to Hasan al-Basri. He is the caliph of Ali ibn Abi Talib & ranks at the status of Sultan-ul-Faqr II.
This grace of Faqr reached Mehboob-e-Subhani, Qutb-e-Rabbani, Ghous-e-Samdani Syedna Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani through various Sufi saints. His personality does not need any introduction in the lineage of Sufism & Mysticism. He started preaching and exhortation to spread teachings of Faqr on the order of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). Tens of millions of seekers of Allah got benefitted through his sermons. The most important step he took during the time of illiteracy was the revival of the true spirit of Islam. For reviving the religion of Islam in its true form, he got the title of “Mohiyuddin”, the reviver of Islam. He became the centre of Faqr holds the highest status of Sultan-ul-Faqr III.
Rise of Faqr in Subcontinent & Centres of Sufism
Sultan Bahoo
Mohamamdan Faqr rose to prominence through Sultan ul Arifeen, Burhan ul Wasileen, Master of the worlds Sultan Bahoo in subcontinent. He himself became the centre of Sufism (Faqr). He describes his inner allegiance to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) as follows:
‘’I have taken oath of allegiance at the sacred hands of Prophet Mohammad and he has called me his spiritual son. He has allowed and ordered to persuade and guide people on the path of Allah.’’ (Risala Roohi Sharif)
Fatimah Bint Mohammad has taken me as her son. Hence, I have reached the ultimate levels of gnosis of Faqr. (Aqal-e-Beydar)
Sultan ul Arifeen Sultan Bahoo wrote 140 precious and unique books on Faqr and mysticism. These books are still beneficial for the seekers of Allah. He is the Sultan-ul-Faqr V. Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) appointed him as the centre of Sufism (Markaz e Faqr) during the 17th century.

Sultan Pir Sayyid Mohammad Bahadur Ali Shah Kazmi al-Mashhadi
The holy shrine of Shahbaz-e-Arifaan Sultan Pir Sayyid Mohammad Bahadur Ali Shah Kazmi al-Mashhadi became the centre of Sufism (Markaz e Faqr) after Sultan ul Arifeen Sultan Bahoo on the order of Prophet Mohamamd (pbuh). Sultan-ul-Auliya Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz and Sultan-ul-Faqr VI Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali used to visit the holy shrine of Sultan Sayyid Mohammad Bahadur Ali Shah Kazmi al-Mashhadi for the blessings of Faqr. They often used to stay there at nights.
Sultan-ul-Auliya Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz used to stay at the mausoleum of Sultan Sayyid Mohammad Bahadur Ali Shah Kazmi Al-Mashhadi for 21 nights. Sometimes the duration of stay was for 9 or 5 nights. Sultan-ul-Faqr VI Sultan Muhammad Asghar Ali followed the same practice.

Sayyid Mohammad Abdullah Shah Madani Jilani
When the attention & purpose of humans become worldly desires only, and they turn away from Allah and give priority to wealth and possessions, then even the Sufi saints withhold their special grace and bounty. Sultan-ul-Tarikeen Sayyid Mohammad Abdullah Shah Madani Jilani had closed the blessings from his holy shrine since 1942. He did this due to the love of people for the worldly desires.

Sultan ul Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib ur Rehman
Sultan ul Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib ur Rehman is the 31st perfect spiritual guide of Sarwari Qadri Order. He is the spiritual successor of Sultan ul Faqr VI Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali. After the demise of Sultan ul Faqr VI, Sultan ul Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib ur Rehman adorns the throne of Divine guidance and persuasion as the perfect spiritual guide. The centre of Sufism for Sultan ul Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib ur Rehman remained the holy shrine of Sultan Syed Mohammad Bahadur Ali Shah Kazmi al-Mashhadi temporarily. Sultan ul Ashiqeen Sultan Mohamamd Najib ur Rehman used to visit his holy shrine with his disciples until 2011. (Sultan ul Ashiqeen)

Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) Declares the Markaz e Faqr (Centre of Sufism)
Wherever the man of Divine Essence goes, that becomes the centre of Sufism. The Faqr is blessed to the chosen one from the same centre with the permission of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh).
For example, Khidr said to Sultan Sayyid Mohammad Abdullah Shah Madni Jilani:
“Seek the heritage of Faqr from your maternal grandfather (Prophet Mohammad pbuh).”
So, he started serving the Al-Masjid an-Nabawi (the Prophet’s Mosque). After six years of service, the Holy Prophet (pbuh) blessed him with a Divine vision in a dream and asked him about the reward for his service. Sayyid Mohammad Abdullah Shah Madani Jilani said:
“O Lord! You know this servant only seeks Faqr.”
Upon this, the Holy Prophet (pbuh) replied:
“You have to go to India (now Pakistan) for Faqr.’’
When he woke up from his dream, he was very surprised and worried to think that why the Holy Prophet (pbuh) had referred him to Sultan Bahoo while he himself is the origin of Righteousness & Divine Guidance. Hence, he continued his routine services at Al-Masjid an-Nabawi. After another six years, the Holy Prophet (pbuh) again came into his dream. He (pbuh) asked the same question,
“What do you want in return of your serices?’’
He replied the same that he only wished Faqr. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) replied,
“You would get Faqr only from Sultan Bahoo.’’
The centre of Sufism at that time was the holy shrine of Sultan Bahoo. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) sent Sayyid Mohammad Abdullah Shah Madani Jilani from Madinah to India (present day Pakistan) despite being the owner & custodian of Faqr himself.
Responsibility assigned to Sultan ul Ashiqeen
In 2011, Sultan-ul-Arifeen Sultan Bahoo assigned responsibility to Aftab-e-Faqr Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Muhammad Najib-ur-Rehman to resume spiritual blessings and grace from the holy shrine of Sultan-ul-Tarikeen Sayyid Mohammad Abdullah Shah Madani Jilani. Sultan ul Ashiqeen performed this responsibility with the utmost sincerity of intention and love.
Reconstruction of Shrine of Sultan ul Tarikeen
To fulfill this responsibility, Sultan ul Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman visited the holy shrine of Sultan ul Tarikeen Sultan Sayyidd Mohammad Abdullah Shah Madani Jilani for the first time in September 2011. Considering the dilapidated condition of the Holy Palace, Sultan ul Ashiqeen started the reconstruction of the shrine in May 2012. The new construction of this shrine was completed under the Divine supervision of Sultan ul Ashiqeen. This completed on 30th August 2012 in the style of Sultan Bahoo’s holy shrine.

Grand Ceremony of Death Anniversary of Sultan ul Tarikeen
After the construction of the holy shrine and palace, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen organised the grand ceremony in regard to the death anniversary of Sultan Syed Muhammad Abdullah Shah Madani Jilani on September 2, 2012.
- The devotees recited specially writen euology in honour of Sultan ul Tarikeen Sultan Sayed Mohammad Abdullah Shah Madani Jilani.
- His life, teachings and high spiritual status was highlighted. At the end of this holy ceremony, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman requested Sultan-ul-Tarikeen Sultan Sayyid Mohammad Abdullah Shah Madani Jilani to continue his spiritual blessings on God’s creatures.
- Sultan ul Tarikeen Sultan Syed Mohammad Abdullah Shah Madani Jilani not only accepted this humble request of Sultan ul Ashiqeen but also extended his special favour to his disciples & members of his organisation Tehreek Dawat e Faqr.
- During the same ceremony, the centre of Sufism (Markaz e Faqr) was shifted from Shahbaz-e-Arifaan Sultan Sayyidd Mohammad Bahadur Ali Shah Kazmi al-Mashhadi to Sultan-ul-Tarikeen Sultan Sayyid Mohammad Abdullah Shah Madni Jilani. (Sultan ul Ashiqeen)
Thus, with the permission and order of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh), Sultan-ul-Tarikeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Sayyid Mohammad Abdullah Shah Madni Jilani was appointed as the centre of Sufism. From 2012 to 2016, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen not only arranged the ceremonies of death anniversary of Sultan ul Tarikeen Sultan Sayyid Mohammad Abdullah Shah Madani Jilani in a grand and extensive manner but also strongly encouraged seekers of Allah to attend these ceremonies. In these ceremonies, the correct sequence of the Sarwari Qadri Order would be specifically mentioned so that the whole world would know that the Divine trust of Faqr had been transferred from Sultan Bahoo to Sayyid Mohammad Abdullah Shah Madni Jilani. This was to eradicate all the misconceptions and false claims made by people against Sarwari Qadri Order.
Importance of 23rd October 2016
The ceremony which was held on October 23rd, 2016, has a great historical significance for Sultan ul Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman and his organization. This day marked:
- 5 years of successful completion of continued spiritual blessings from holy shrine of Sultan ul Tarikeen Sultan Sayyid Mohammad Abdullah Shah Madni Jilani. The special request of Sultan ul Ashiqeen made this possible.
- 5 years of successful completion of organizing annual ceremony of death anniversary of Sultan-ul-Tarikeen,
- Successful completion of all the responsibilities assigned by Sultan Bahoo & Sultan Sayyid Mohammad Abdullah Shah Madni Jilani specially introducing general public about exact sequence of Sarwari Qadri Order. This includes the publishing of research based authentic book in Urdu “Mujtaba Akhir Zamani”. It was later published in English as “The Spiritual Guides of Sarwari Qadri Order”.
- Successful completion of almost initial 13 years of ascension to the throne of Divine guidance and persuasion of Sultan ul Ashiqeen as 31st perfect spiritual guide of Sarwari Qadri Order.
- Oath of allegiance (bayat) of Sahibzada Sultan Mohammad Murtaza Najib. This special day was fixed from eternity for this special purpose.
- The shifting of centre of Sufism (Markaz e Faqr) from Sultan ul Tarikeen Sultan Sayyid Mohammad Abdullah Shah Madni Jilani to Sultan ul Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib ur Rehman for the many centuries to come with the permission and orders of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh).
At the same time, Sultan ul Ashiqeen Sultan Mohamamd Najib ur Rehman received order to build the physical centre of Sufism also. Fulfilling this order, Sultan ul Ashiqeen started the construction of grand Masjid e Zahra & Khanqah Sultan ul Ashiqeen.
Faqr is Eternal Destiny
The honourable and spiritual personalities who have to carry the great responsibility of Divine trust of Faqr have been accepted in the court of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) from the eternity. They are manifested into this physical world at fixed time on the command of Allah. Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) has selected Sultan ul Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman from eternity for the Divine trust of Faqr.
Sultan ul Ashiqeen’s tendency towards Allah
From his childhood, he had a tendency towards seriousness and seeking truth. With the passage of time, the intensity of seeking truth also increased. He would spend hours worshiping Allah and reciting salutations on Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) to seek nearness and gnosis of Allah. When the intensity of this Divine desire increased, he would weep for hours for the love of Allah.
Special Request to Fatimah Bint Mohammad
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen has a strong devotion to the People of Cloak. He used to offer this request in the holy court of Fatimah bint Mohammad.
“O the Leader of the Universe, this sinful servant of yours is offering simple worship in your court and also knows that you do not need the reward of our worship. We ourselves need the intercession and grace of your family (the people of cloak). This reward is just the request of this servant at your door. Just as in your exoteric life no one has left your door empty handed similarly I believe that this servant will not be left empty handed in your esoteric life from your door. Please make my request in the holy court of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) that he may grant his slave the righteous path of people which is rewarded by Allah. I have a firm belief for sure that this servant will not be left empty handed. Because letting the one return empty handed is not the tradition of the people of cloak.” (Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen)
This prayer became his regular routine.

Divine Presence in Mohammadan Assembly & Spiritual Oath of Allegiance
When a man’s desire is truthful and he is sincere at the heart, then he is blessed with the Divine help. Due to his sincerity & purity of intention and desire for the Allah, Sultan ul Ashiqeen was blessed with the Divine presence in Mohammadan Assembly. The lord of the universe, Ali ibn Abi Talib hold his sacred hands and seated him in the sacred footsteps of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh).
Ali ibn Abi Talib requested Prophet Mohammad (pbuh), “O Lord! He is your servant Najib ur Rehman. He is the spiritual son of your beloved daughter (the Lady of Paradise Fatimah Bint Mohammad). She has appointed him for her heritage of Faqr and has sent him in your holy court for this purpose.” The Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) replied, “Yes, I have received the recommendation and I have accepted it. Now he is my spiritual son too.” Then the Holy Prophet (pbuh) raised Sultan ul Ashiqeen and said, “You are my spiritual son, my (spiritual) heir. An era will benefit from you. I will make you my Divine witness (Burhan). You have pleased my beloved daughter (Fatimah bint Mohammad). As a result, I am also pleased with you.”
The Holy Prophet (pbuh) then swore Sultan ul Ashiqeen into his oath of allegiance. He (pbuh) put the sacred hands of Sultan ul Ashiqeen into the sacred hands of Syedna Ghawth al-Azam and said, “He is the spiritual son of my beloved daughter. Now he is mine and your’s spiritual son. I entrust him to you. You are responsible for his spiritual training.” (Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen)

Physical Oath of Allegiance
After pledging oath of allegiance in the Mohammadan Assembly esoterically, Sultan ul Ashiqeen took the oath of allegiance on the sacred hands of Sultan ul Faqr VI Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali on April 12th, 1998 (15 Dhu’l Hijjah 1418 AH).
Centre of Sufism (Markaz e Faqr) Sultan ul Ashiqeen
Sultan ul Faqr VI Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali is the spiritual guide of Sultan ul Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib ur Rehman. He subjected Sultan ul Ashiqeen to many physcial and spiritual trials from 1998 to 2001. Sultan ul Ashiqeen successfully passed all the trials by the grace and Divine help of Allah Almighty with great sincerity and devotion towards his spiritual guide.
Transference of Divine Trust
Sultan ul Faqr VI examined the “heir of the Divine trust” carefully. He presented Sultan ul Ashiqeen to the holy court of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) for final approval in 2001. Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) selected him for the responsibility of “Divine trust”. On this happy occasion, Sultan-ul-Faqr VI said:
“I have got the confidant of my heart.”
Throne of Divine Guidance & Persuasion
After the approval of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) and the apparent demise of Sultan ul Faqr VI., Sultan ul Ashiqeen adorned the throne of Divine guidance & persuasion. He started struggling immediately to spread and make easy the teachings of Mohamamdan Faqr for all. Mohammadan Assembly awarded him with titles such as:
- Aftab-e-Faqr,
- Shan-e-Faqr &
- Shabeeh Ghaus-ul-Azam.
Apart from this, he was declared the “Markaz e Faqr (Centre of Sufism)” on correct sequencing of Spiritual Guides & sequencing of Sarwari Qadri and on resuming the spiritual blessings from the shrine of Sultan ul Tarikeen Sultan Sayyid Mohammad Abdullah Shah Madni Jilani.
Brief Introduction of Sultan ul Ashiqeen’s Struggles
The centre of Faqr is the man of Divine essence that distributes the grace of Faqr among Allah’s creation. Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib ur Rehman has taken revolutionary & valuable steps for the promotion of Mohammadan Faqr.
- It is the glory of Sultan ul Ashiqeen that he has opened the invocation & contemplation of Ism e Allah Zaat for all as well as the permanent Divine presence in Mohammadan Assembly through contemplation of Ism e Mohammad for truthful seekers of the Divine truth.
- The number of English & Urdu websites are operating under the Divine supervision of Sultan ul Ashiqeen to spread Mohammadan Faqr all around the world.
- In addition, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen wrote 24 unique and precious books on different subjects of Faqr & Sufism. These books are, no doubt, the treasure trove of Faqr. The reader who reads these books with utmost respect and sincerity begins to remove his inner veils and the love of Allah begins to grow in the heart of the reader.
- Apart from writing books, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen is spreading the message of Faqr through all social media. Mostly of them includes Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Wikipedia, Tik Tok, Snack Video, etc. in a very common and easy way without any discrimination.

- While there is no precedent for the understanding and foresight of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen, Allah Almighty has blessed him with unparalleled and infinite perfection. In addition to spreading the message of Faqr through modern means, he is lighting the Divine love in the hearts of millions of seekers of Allah with the help of “Online Oath of Allegiance (Bayat)”.
The continued incredible struggle and achivements taken for the promotion of Mohammadan Faqr are a clear indication that Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman is the only perfect spiritual guide in the present era. He is the man of Divine essence. Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) has apponited him as the “Markaz e Faqr (Centre of Sufism)” for the promotion of Faqr (Sufism).
This article is an English translation of the Urdu article مرکزِفقر سلطان العاشقین حضرت سخی سلطان محمد نجیب الرحمن مدظلہ الاقدس. Mrs Anila Yaseen originally penned the Urdu article. Dr Mohammad Waseem Akram Sarwari Qadri translated it using British English vocabulary with some changes.
Comments (33)
Excellent article. Indeed Sultan ul Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib ur Rehman is the Universal Divine Man of this era.
No doubt Sultan ul Ashiqeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Muhammad Najib ur Rehman is Markazefaqr
In the world of ignorance, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen has sketched the true picture of Islam by working day and night to spread the word of Allah.
Sultan ul Ashiqeen Bht pyary Murshid kamil Akmal hain
Very good blog
Informative article
Beshak Faqr ka Markaz Sultan ul Ashiqeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Mohammad Najib ur Rehman haan
Very informative
Sultan ul Ashiqeen is the Perfect Spiritual Guide of Sarwari Qadri order
Sultan ul ashiqeen zindaa baad
Markaz e Faqr sultan ul ashiqeen
Best ever article
I like it thanks to you
A very interesting article explaining about the centre of Sufism!
Sultan ul Ashiqeen is the man of Divine essence. Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) has apponited him as the ‘’Markaz e Faqr (Centre of Sufism)’’ for the promotion of Faqr.
Markze faqar zinda bad
Mohammadan Assembly awarded Sultan ul Ashiqeen with titles such as:
Shan-e-Faqr &
Shabeeh Ghaus-ul-Azam.
Center of faqr sultan ul Ashiqeen
Markaaz e faqr Sultan ul Ashiqeen is the perfect spiritual guide of the Sarwari Qadri order
Ya Hussain
It is beyond doubt that Sultan ul Ashiqeen is the Center of Faqr and present spiritual leader of Sarwari Qadri order
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman is the only perfect spiritual guide in the present era.
Interesting 😍
Perfect Spiritual guide of this era ♥️❤️
Informative…indeed Sultan ul Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib ur Rehman is Markaz e Faqr!
V informative
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib ur Rehman has taken revolutionary & valuable steps for the promotion of Mohammadan Faqr.
Sultan ul Ashiqeen is the Center of Faqr
Sultan ul Ashiqeen Zindabad ❤️