What is Renunciation of the World?
A lot of people regardless of being blessed, do not make use of the blessings bestowed upon them by Allah. Neither do they wear good clothes, nor eat according to their standard. Doing so is actually showing ungratefulness. The reason they do this is because the Holy Prophet (pbuh) advised to renunciate the world. Not only the Prophet, but various messengers, Sufis, Fakirs and Saints ordered to renunciate the world. They say the love of this world is the root of all evil. So, does renunciation of the world mean to turn away from all blessings of Allah, leave everything and everyone behind and go wander off to wildernesses? That is absolutely false and nor does it relate to the lives of the Prophet or any of his Companions.
Allah has mentioned in the Quran about His blessing in various places and also asked them what favours of their Lord shall they deny:
So always eat of that clean and lawful sustenance which Allah has given you, and give thanks for the favour of Allah if it is indeed Him alone that you worship.
(an-Nahl, 16 : 114)
And He has given you everything that you asked Him for, and if you seek to number the favours of Allah, you will not be able to count them all. Indeed, man is highly unjust and extremely ungrateful.
(Ibrahim, 14 : 34)
Hadith about the World
The following two hadith prove that it is not forbidden to embrace and make use of Allah’s blessings.
Jabir bin Abdullah shares an incident where the Prophet went over to his place. He saw a man whose hair was completely messed up. He asked, “Does he not have anything to fix his hair with?” Then he saw another man whose clothes were dirty. He then asked, “Does he not have anything to wash his clothes with?”
(Sunan Abu Daud 4062)
A man said to the Prophet, “I like to wear good clothes and shoes.” He replied, “Indeed, Allah appreciates beauty.”
(Jamia Al-Tirmidhi 1999)
Before renunciation of the world, it is crucial to understand what exactly “world” means. All those things that cause hindrance in the way of Allah, that drive one away from achieving gnosis and closeness of Allah, anything that distracts one from Allah is known as the “world”. Hence, renunciation of the world means, putting an end to anything that acts as an obstacle in the way of Allah. Also, it is all inwardly, not apparent or physically.
Neither Allah nor the Prophet ever asked to outwardly or physically just let go of the world. In fact, the Prophet said:
“By Allah, I am not afraid of your poverty but I am afraid that you will lead a life of luxury as past nations did, whereupon you will compete with each other for it, as they competed for it, and it will destroy you as it destroyed them.”
(Sahih Bukhari 3158)
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen about Renunciation of the World
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman says:
Renunciation of the world does not mean leaving the world. It rather means fighting your worldly desires on the inward. Freeing your inward of the world and its love, for as long as the world lives in there, Allah will not.
He has described man as a boat, and the world as the water. The boat is fine as long as it floats over the water and the water does not get in, as long as man lives in the world but does not let the love of the world enter his heart, he shall succeed.
Data Ganj Bakhsh says:
As much as a person is uninterested in the world, his connection with Allah is as deep. This does not mean that a man should leave his home his family and go sit in a jungle. In fact, it means that his inward should be pure of the love of this world. He lives in this world but does not belong to this world. That is the perfection of a Fakir. To not let yourself get drenched whilst floating on water is indeed an act of bravery.
If wealth and money consume a person, that may be another way to make Allah happy, He says:
And seek the home of the Hereafter with what (wealth) Allah has given you
And spend (in the way of Allah) out of (the wealth) which We have given you before death approaches one of you
(Al Munafiqun:10)
Wealth can be a source of attaining Allah’s closeness
This mean wealth and world are also a means of gaining Allah’s Closeness. That is why the Prophet referred to this world as the harvest for the next. So, it is really up to us if we use this world to satisfy our desires or to gain Allah’s contentment. We shall reap what we sow.
Sultan Bahoo says:
This world is the harvest for the next.
This means wholeheartedly spending all in the way of Allah just like Usman Ghani did. One who saves up for this world is not on the path of Allah but a companion of the Satan.
(Mehk-ul-Faqr Kalan)
Islam is the complete code of life. Even for the progress of religion, wealth is required. The most powerful thing today for the benefit of religion is print media. Allah revealed books to his prophets which are still accessible today in physical form, specially the Quran. The knowledge of Quran and hadith is available in the form of religious publications. Prophet’s Companions wrote down his hadiths and scriptures of the Quran and shared them with lots of people. Now even translations of these books are being published.
In the same manner, inspirational knowledge shared by Sufis and Fakirs, are also published in the form of books. Personality traits of the Prophet and his Companions are also known even in this age all due to publications. So, through publications the Divine message is not only delivered to the world but also kept safe till the end of the world. Likewise, Sultan-ul-Faqr Publications is publishing books and magazines for this purpose for the past twenty years. If someone spends in the publication of these books, it shall benefit him immensely in the hereafter.
Spending in the Way of Allah
Even if there are no books, going around in streets, villages, cities, towns to spread the word of Allah, also requires an amount of money. Travelling costs, accommodation and services, personal expenses, are some examples. Prophets also used this way to invite people to Islam. Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr also sends its representatives for this purpose all over the country. They invite people to gain Divine gnosis through invocation and contemplation of the Ism-e-Allah Zaat. Magazines and pamphlets are distributed free of cost. Whosoever contributes financially in these matters shall be rewarded with every person that chooses to walk the righteous path.
The fastest way of invitation these days is through social media and digital media. Different images, Quranic verses, hadith, speeches and posts, videos are all efficient ways to spread the message across the world. All this is only possible through spending money. Now, if someone just leaves behind the world and isolates themself, how shall the Divine message be delivered? Tehreek-Dawat-e-Faqr spends lot of money on social media and digital media to provide information to the world, it also holds spiritual gatherings which requires finance too. People who contribute to the cause definitely better their lives in the hereafter. Whosoever supports financially shall be equally blessed as the people who do the other work.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman says:
The world that helps with religion is not considered world, like the wealth that is spent in the way of Allah.
The Companions Contributed Immensely for the Spread of Islam
The Prophet asked his Companions for contributions at various occasions.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen says:
During the Battle of Tabuk, the Prophet instructed his Companions to contribute financially. Abu Bakr gave each and everything that he owned, Umar ibn al-Khattab gave half of all that he owned. The third Companion, Uthman ibn Affan said he shall give a hundred camels loaded with stuff. When the Prophet asked again, Uthman ibn Affan said he shall give another two hundred camels. Upon asking the fourth time, he added another two hundred camels and a thousand gold coins. When the Prophet heard this, he walked down the pulpit and said, “From this day onwards, no deed of Uthman shall harm him. O Uthman! Allah has forgiven all your sins, the ones you have previously committed, and the ones you shall commit till the end of time
Likewise, during getting freedom of the slaves, buying water wells, famine, construction of the mosques, helping the poor Muslims, the Companions contributed immensely.
However, spending money for the wrong purposes is not okay. Spending on futile things, spending for show off, or on haram or immoral things is not allowed. This is why Allah and His Prophet have declared wealth as trial since it can be the root of all bad.
Allah says:
And bear in mind that your riches and your children are nothing but a trial, and that with Allah alone lies the highest reward.
(Al-Anfal, 8 : 28)
The Prophet said
“Every umma has had a trial, and the trial for my umma is wealth.”
(Jamiah Al-Tirmidhi 2336)
Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman says:
The world brings about corruption when it comes, and battle even when it goes.
Wealth a form of Worship
Imam Ghazali says:
Wealth is like a snake that contains both the venom and the antidote. The antidote is useful and the venom is harmful. Whosoever learns about its uses and harms shall benefit from it. Wealth has two kinds of benefits; worldly and religious. Almost everyone is aware of the worldly benefits so here are some of its religious benefits: wealth is a means of worship. It is important to spend on eating healthy otherwise you cannot attain focus. So, if spent correctly wealth is indeed a form of worship. Going for hajj and jihad also require wealth.
Wealth can be spent on other people in four ways: paying alms to the destitute, donations, spending on your honour and paying those who work for you.
Third use of wealth is to build schools, hospitals, mosques. All the things that can benefit the public are also considered a form of charity.
To remove the love of the world is true success, but how do we replace it with the love of Allah?
Guidance of a Spiritual Guide is Inevitable
After the prophets, Allah sent Fakirs for this very purpose. So Divine Love is only achievable under the guidance of a Perfect Fakir who. In the present day, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib ur Rehman is the Perfect Fakir who purges the soul of a seeker through the Prophetic Way. He never asks anyone to leave something physically or break off ties. In fact, he instructs to carry out worldly duties as gracefully. Anyhow, to remove worldly love from the inward, great strength and will power is required.
Sultan Bahoo says:
How can a sleazy and lustful person give up the world? In order to do that you must become a lion so you can live with masculinity.
(Mehak-ul-Faqr Kalan)
May Allah keep us safe from this world and its misleading riches.
This is English translation of Urdu blog ترکِ دنیا کیا ہے؟ that appeared in August 2024 issue of monthly Sultan-ul-Faqr magazine. Sultan Mohammad Ahsan Ali Sarwari Qadri wrote the original article. Zuhaa Fatima has translated it in English.
Comments (24)
Very good blog!
Great article!
I like this blog 🌹❣️
Behtereen article
The Prophet said
“Every umma has had a trial, and the trial for my umma is wealth.”
Very guiding blog
Very Beautiful ❤️ and Informative Blog
Very informative
Beshak Duniya ko tark karna zaroori hai
May Allah keep us safe from this world and its misleading riches. Ameen
Informative article
Great 👍
nice article
Beautiful Article
May Allah keep us safe from this world and its misleading riches
The Prophet said
“Every umma has had a trial, and the trial for my umma is wealth.”
(Jamiah Al-Tirmidhi 2336)
Great blog
Very informative article.
Worth reading
Very nice blog
Sultan ul Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib ur Rehman is the perfect Spiritual Guide