Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s Love and Regard
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s Eternal Love for People of Cloak
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s love for Ahl al-Bayat is eternal. Rather, the signs of his devotion for people of cloak started appearing even before his sacred birth. As Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s respected mother often expressed that in the entire duration of expecting him, she felt increased devotion for Holy Prophet. Her inclination towards devotion and salutation to Prophet Mohammad was more than her usual life. Unusually her desire to continuously recite Durood (send blessings and peace upon the Holy Prophet) increased. Whilst, she did not have such devotion when pregnant with her other children. Therefore, she soon realized that Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen is not like other children rather he is among the specially chosen ones.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen was not like Common Children
Since childhood, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen was not interested in worldly charm. Rather, he was keen to gain knowledge and understanding of the religion Islam. As a child, he loved going to the gatherings of Mawlid an-Nabi and Ashura along with his parents. Even as a child, he would lower his gaze out of respect on hearing the names of the people of the cloak. As he grew up, his love for Ahl al-Bayat and the strive to search the path of righteousness elevated. He could not find inner peace despite possessing all the worldly blessings and luxury. Well! how could the restless soul find peace?
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s Phase of Excessive Prayers
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s restless soul was probably eager to seek Allah Almighty. Therefore, to find inner peace he perpetually recited Durood and the first Islamic creed thousands of times daily. For this purpose, he had made a special rosary of five hundred beads. The excessive prayers had even given him dark eye circles. Not only that, his index finger had pressed due to continuously rotating the rosary. Despite all this, his zeal to find the righteous path had not decreased at all.

Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s Regard for Fatimah tuz-Zahra
One evening in March 1997, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen was reading a book in which he came across the following lines;
“The Holy Prophet(pbuh) never refused his beloved daughter Fatimah tuz-Zahra who is the lady of paradise. At times the sacred wives fear being refused by the Prophet on certain matters. Then they used to present their request to him through his dear daughter. And Prophet Mohammad had never refused his beloved daughter”.
After reading the above lines, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen started presenting all the rewards of his worship to the Lady of Paradise. He also gifted to her sacred husband Ali al-Murtaza and sacred sons Hasan and Husayn.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s Special Prayer
After reading about the high ranks of Fatimah tuz-Zahra, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen started making special prayers (dua or an act of supplication). With some variation of the words, the same appeal became an essential aspect of his life. This prayer is as follows;
“O respected lady of the universe! I the sinful slave is presenting a very ordinary gift of supplication in your honor. Certainly! you do not need any reward for your devotion. Rather we are the needy and seek your family’s favor and beneficence. This reward is only like the call of a beggar at your door.
Just like no seeker or beggar ever returned empty-handed from your door in your physical life. Likewise, I am certain that in your spiritual life as well, you won’t return this beggar ungranted. Therefore, I am begging and yearning in your sacred court. Please recommend me in your sacred father’s court that he may bless his slave with the straight path. The path in which Allah has promised to reward the travelers. Certainly! this beggar would not go back empty-handed. As to let any beggar return ungranted is not the custom of your sacred family.”
Presence in the Mohammadan Assembly
The pattern of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s special prayer continued every day for weeks. Then came the blessed night of 12th April 1997. That night firstly, Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman finished offering Tahajjud (late-night) prayer. Then he began to recite Durood (sending peace and blessings upon the Holy Prophet). Suddenly, his spiritual self enlightened and he found himself in the Mohammadan Assembly. There he saw the eternal Divine light, the Holy Prophet (pbuh) sitting in the middle. Seated on his right side were Ali al-Murtaza, Imam Hasan, and Imam Husayn. While on his left were Abu Bakr, Umar ibn Khattab, Usman Ghani, and the leaders of the four spiritual orders.
Among the sacred entities, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen remained stunned by the awe and majesty of the Assembly. Perhaps, he was about to collapse with surprise and fear. Meanwhile, sacred Ali al-Murtaza stepped ahead and held him by taking his hand in his hand.
Granted with Holy Prophet’s Legacy
As mentioned above, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen was blessed with a presence in the Mohammadan Assembly on 12th April 1997. There, respected Ali al-Murtaza presented him before the Holy Prophet, letting him sit by the sacred feet of the Prophet. Then he said to the Prophet, “Hazoor! (respectfully
addressed) he is Najib-ur-Rehman. He is your slave and is the spiritual son of your dear daughter (Fatimah tuz-Zahra). Additionally, she has selected him to grant her legacy (of Faqr). Now she has presented him in your court for your approval,”.
The aforementioned instance verifies that Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen was granted Faqr due to his ardent love for Ahl al-Bayat.

Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s Efforts to Promote Grandeur of Ahl al-Bayat
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen has expressed his love for Ahl al-Bayat in all of his books and teachings. Not only that the monthly Sultan-ul-Faqr published under his supervision also expresses his love and devotion for the people of cloak. In the following paragraphs, we will briefly discuss some of his books published particularly in honor of Ahl al-Bayat.
Publication of Fazayal Ahl e Bait aur Sahaba Karam (ra)

Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen has written an excellent book named ‘Fazayal Ahl-e-Bait aur Sahaba Karam Razi Allah Anhum’ and its English version “Prophet’s People of the Cloak and Companions”. These books describe the excellence and honor of the sacred Family and Companions in the light of the Quran and Hadith. The two books clear any misconception and resentment from the inward of the ones with insight. Indeed, this book proves Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s love and regard for Ahl al-Bayat. To read complete books click the following links:
Fazayal Ahl-e-Bait – Sultan-ul-Faqr Publications (

Publication of the book "Imam Hussain and Yazid"

Another book ‘Imam Hussain And Yazid’ by Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen sheds light on the concealed aspects of the battle of Karbala. It describes the courage and heroism of the sacred progeny of Prophet Mohammad and their Companions. Furthermore, the book highlights Hussain’s Faqr and his submission to the will of Allah. Indeed, this book is guidance for people on the path of righteousness. This book is translated into the English language so people around the globe can benefit from it as well. The links to Urdu and English editions are as follows:
Imam Hussain And Yazid – Sultan-ul-Faqr Publications (
Sayed-ul-Shuhada Hazrat Imam Hussain – Sultan-ul-Faqr Publications (
Translation and exegesis of "Mirat-ul-Arifeen"

One of the disciples of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen, under his supervision, translated and elaborated ‘Mirat-ul-Arifeen’, a book written by Imam Hussain. Undoubtedly, this book guides the seekers on a righteous path. Click the following link to read this book:

Publication of "Khulfa-e-Rashideen"

Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman ardently love and regard the sacred self of Prophet Mohammad Sallallahu alayhi wasallam. He also considers himself his slave. Therefore, in his book, ‘Khulfa-e-Rashideen’, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen has beautifully expressed the exalted status and grandeur of Ali ibn Abi Talib, Imam Hassan, and the other caliphs. Normally, people think that there are four caliphs which means the caliphate ended with the reign of Hazrat Ali. However, in this book, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen has very beautifully explained concerning several Hadiths that Imam Hassan was the fifth caliph. He also described the opulence and magnificence of Imam Hassan. Its English translation is also available. Following are the links to read the complete books:
Khulfa-e-Rashideen – Sultan-ul-Faqr Publications (
The Rashidun Caliphate – Sultan-ul-Faqr Publications (
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen holds Annual Spiritual Gatherings
Every year Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen celebrate Mawlid of Prophet Mohammad with great zeal and splendor on 12th Rabi al-awwal. Similarly, he commemorates the martyrdom of Husayn ibn Ali on 10th Moharram. In this sacred event, disciples deliver speeches and eulogies to provide awareness about the grand sacrifice of the Imam Husayn. Disciples also recite salutations and encomiums that particularly describe the splendor of Fatimah tuz Zahra and other people of cloak.
Additionally, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen commemorates the martyrdom of Ali ibn Abi Talib at the khanqah of Sarwari Qadri order. This event highlights the bravery and grandeur of Ali. Even on the Sunday gatherings, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen is often seen giving reference from the lives of the people of cloak. In fact, he teaches disciples to idealize their lives to learn patience, perseverance, bravery and ardent Divine love to succeed in the path of Faqr.
Quotes of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen on Ahl al-Bayat
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen eyes are filled with emotions of regard and respect whenever he talks about the people of the cloak. According to him love for Ahl al-Bayat is the basis of faith. In this regard one of his quotes is as follows:

Modern Era and Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s Love for People of Cloak
The Modern era of selfishness and materialism has deflected people from the real soul of Islam. In other words, people who call themselves Muslim are far away from the actual teachings of Islam. As a result, the true soul of Islam in the era faded. Therefore, in this era of ignorance, the guidance of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen indeed, is like the bright sun. Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen is guiding people toward the righteous path keeping in mind the modern needs of the present era. This is why, he is the revival of the religion Islam in the present era. He has made the world aware of the grandeur of the people of the cloak, sacred Companions, and the Sarwari Qadri spiritual guides. For the first time in history, the teachings of these sacred entities are being promoted through modern means of communication, like blogs, websites, social media, books, magazines, etc.
As mentioned before, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s books and compilations unveil the grandeur of Ahl al-Bayat to the world. Certainly, his literary work is going to be a source of guidance for people till Doomsday and enlighten the world with Faqr which is the real heritage of Prophet Mohammad. Undoubtedly, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen fully rendered his duty as a spiritual successor of the Sarwari Qadri order.

One can witness Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s love for the people of Cloak through his acts, teachings, and quotes. Whenever Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen guides his disciples he gives the reference to the life of the people of the cloak. He directs us to follow the life of these sacred people to attain success in the path of Faqr. As Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen says:
“Faqr is not complicated. If you want to understand Faqr go through the lives of the four Rashidun Caliphs. Then Faqr will become easy on you.”
The above article is the English translation of سلطان العاشقین کی اہل ِ بیتؓ سے محبت و عقیدت which is originally penned by Dr. Sahar Sarwari Qadri for September 2019 edition of the magazine “Mahnama Sultan-ul-Faqr Lahore”. Fatima Noor Sarwari Qadri presented it in English with some changes exclusively for the website. Do not forget to visit the original article for which you only have to click the link below:
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Comments (55)
Masa Allah
Great article ..!
Indeed Sultan ul Ashiqeen is the representative of Faqr e Mohammadi (SAWW)
Very nice Blog!
Very nice
Very inspiring article
Beautiful article..
Subhan ALLAH
Very nice
May Allah bestowed us with the love of People of Cloak. Amen
MashaAllah very true
MashAllah sultan ul Ashiqeen really loves people of the Cloak and the article dipicts it very finely
This article truly increases desire to read more about ahl-e-bayat
beshak Sultan ul Ashiqeen madzillah-ul-aqdas Ahl-e-Bayt se boht aqeedat aur mohabat rkhty hain
Masha Allah
Masha Allah
MashaAllah all the hardword done by Sultan ul Ashiqeen is very inspirational.
Masha Allah
Masha allah
Subhan Allah
Great article
Masha Allah
Sultan ul Ashiqeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Mohammed Najib ur Rehman is the present perfect spiritual guide of Sarwari Qadri Order and true spiritual successor of Successor of Sultan ul Arifeen Hazrat Sultan Bahoo.
Sultan ul Ashiqeen is the current and the 31st Shaikh (Perfect Spiritual guide) of Silsila Sarwari Qadri Order.
Masha Allah.
Beautiful Article about ishq of sultan ul Ashiqeen with ahl e bait.
Haq najeeb ya najeeb
Ma sha Allah
Very informative.
Masha Allah