Understanding the Essence of Sura Al-Qadr – The Night of Power
Understanding the Essence of Sura Al-Qadr - The Night of Power
Sura al-Qadr is the 97th chapter of the... Discourses of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen (Part 4)
Wealth and Peace of Mind
A person asked Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen, 'Does acquiring wealth brings peace of mind?”Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen responded: I would...None but Allah is Manifest in the Entire Cosmos
None but Allah is Manifest in the Entire Cosmos
Allah created everything with His light, and thus everything in...Discourses Of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen (Part 3)
Friday, 2nd April 2010
Madrasa and Khanqah
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen, the present Imam and the 31st spiritual guide of Sarwari Qadri order...The grandeur of the Fakirs
Holy Prophet says: "Allah looks towards the Fakirs (with kindness) five hundred times a day and forgives their...
Spiritual Beneficence of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen
Spiritual beneficence means to enlighten one’s inward with Divine light. However, this is only possible under the company...