It is the greatest wish of every believer to be born in the era of the Holy Prophet and have his beneficence without any medium like the sacred Companions. Allah says in sura al-Ahzab:
اَلنَّبِیُّ اَوْلٰی بِالْمُؤْمِنِیْنَ مِنْ اَنْفُسِھِمْ
Meaning: The Prophet is nearer to the believers (Momin) than they are to themselves. (33:6)
Thus, it can be inferred that the Holy Prophet keeps the believer of every era nearer and dearer to him. He does not distance any seeker of beneficence and proximity, since he is mercy for all the worlds. Not just that but also, he is the leader of both the world and the hereafter. Hence, he is present in every age.
The Holy Prophet is Still Alive
The beneficence of the Holy Prophet continues in every era like it was when he was physically alive. How is it possible that Allah grants eternal life to Satan but not to the Holy Prophet who is the reason of creation of this Universe! Sultan Bahoo says:
How can you consider a person a believer, Muslim or follower of the Holy Prophet! Unless, he does not believe that the Holy Prophet is alive. No doubt, such a person is liar, faithless and a hypocrite, whoever is he apparently. The Holy Prophet said;
Meaning: A liar does not belong to my nation. (Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan)
A person must sincerely and with certainty pray for help from the Holy Prophet. Only then, Prophet Mohammad blesses him with his visit. Certainly, this sight is visible to him through physical eyes. Moreover, the Prophet comes with all his sacred Companions, Hasan and Husayn ibn Ali and helps the said person. (Aqal-e-Baydar)
Disgrace for the Person who considers Prophet Mohammad Dead
Allah disgraces that person in both the worlds, who does not believe in the life of Holy Prophet. Only that person denies the eternal life of the Prophet and considers him dead whose soul has died and Satan has confiscated his faith. (Kaleed-ul-Tauheed)
Listen! One who does not believe in the eternal life of the Holy Prophet has thus, confiscated his faith. (Ain-ul-Faqr)
Beneficence Of The Holy Prophet in Present Era
Allama Iqbal says about the eternal life of the Holy Prophet:
I am fully convinced that the Holy Prophet is alive. Moreover, I believe the people of this age can also benefit by his company in the same manner as the sacred Companions of the Holy Prophet had done in his era. However, the very expression of such convictions would be unpleasant for several minds, which is why, I remain silent. (A letter to Niaz-ud-Din Khan- 'Fitrak-e-Rasool-7')
What is the best way to achieve beneficence of the Holy Prophet in present era?
Well! The beneficence and blessing of Prophet’s company in this age is simply the spiritual presence in the Mohammadan Assembly. This is possible only through the mediation of the perfect and accomplished spiritual guide. As, he is himself accomplished in it, hence, can take its seekers there.
How to Achieve Presence in Mohammadan Assembly?
Sultan Bahoo has outlined the concept and the method of attaining presence of the Mohammadan Assembly in his books. He articulated:
One can achieve presence in the Mohammadan Assembly by the contemplation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat and Ism-e-Mohammad.
Elaborating the above reference, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman said,
Sultan ul Ashiqeen further says:
In the path of truth, there is a station where Allah blesses the seeker with eternal presence of the Mohammadan Assembly. Then the Holy Prophet trains him while passing him through various levels to gnosis of Allah. (Sufism the soul of Islam)
Presence in the Mohammadan Assembly is a very important inward station. Although, one cannot explain it enough. It is the level of haq al-yaqin, which is the truth of certainty gained through experience. Thus, the ones granted with this presence are the only ones to know its reality. (Sufism the soul of Islam)
True Faith is Achieved only by the presence of Mohammadan Assembly
Sultan Bahoo explains presence in the Mohammadan Assembly in following words:
You must know that a true nation is the one which follows the leader. Therefore, the true Muslim is one who follows Prophet Mohammad completely. Also, he reaches his sacred assembly following his every step. However, I am surprised at the people who do not know the way to have the presence of the Mohammadan Assembly. They do not even seek it from the perfect Mystics due to their conceit, immodesty, arrogance and egotism.
Although, such foolish people get jealous from the seeker blessed with presence of the Mohammadan Assembly. To an extent that they cannot even see him out of jealousy. Indeed, such people are absolutely animals. As a matter of fact, whosoever, Holy Prophet does not approve of, cannot be a believer or even a Muslim. Also, he can never be a Fakir, Dervish or a religious scholar. Rather, one should not even consider him a follower of Prophet. The spiritual company of Holy Prophet is the secret of righteousness. One can gain this secret by returning to the origin. As stated in Hadith:
اَلنِّھَایَۃُ ھُوَ الرُّجُوْعُ اِلَی الْبِدَایَۃِ
Meaning: Returning to the origin is the utmost level. (Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan)
What is the origin of Creation?
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen does the exegesis of the above Hadith in the following words:
As the manifestation of Reality commenced from the manifestation of Mohammadan light and the entire creation was revealed from the Mohammadan light therefore the ‘origin’ is the Divine light of Mohammad. That is why to reach the Mohammadan light is the extreme level. The person who attains to this station becomes an embodiment of Oneness and he is the Universal Divine Man. (Sufism the soul of Islam)
Manifestation of Universe by the Divine light of Mohammad
Sultan Bahoo in his book Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan mentions;
Allah created entire creation from the Divine light of Mohammad. While the light of Mohammad manifested from the light of Allah. Origin is the light of Prophet Mohammad, hence, to return to this origin is the ultimate elevation. Surely, this is the presence in the Mohammadan Assembly and is the fountain head of guidance. A person who does not believe or seek it undoubtedly is neither his follower nor included in his nation. (Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan)
The person blessed with the vision of the Holy Prophet (on entering the Mohammadan Assembly) is raised at once. His elevation is to the level of a favorite Saint and Mystic. He either becomes a majdhub (means to lose senses) or a beloved or a veiled reprobate. The secret behind it is that when he enters the Mohammadan Assembly, he must not doubt it. As this assembly is like heaven where discussion about Quran, Hadith, invocation and Divinity is ever going on. One either gets the rank of beloved or a reprobate from this assembly. Since, this assembly is like a touchstone which checks the truth and falsehood. If the person is insincere and liar, Allah exposes his insincerity and lie on entering this assembly. However, if he is sincere and true, Allah verifies that as well. The being of the true seeker converts into Divine light on seeing this assembly. Ultimately, (Allah) confers his eternal presence there. (Ameer-ul-Kaunain)
The Denier of Mohammadan Assembly
The person who is jealous, hypocrite and whose soul is vile is like the son of a devil. The whispers of such person are Satanic as well. As this person has no spiritual guide hence is guideless and without any knowledge of Allah. Such a person may say that in this age, no spiritual guide is able enough to give spiritual guidance. Instead, book reading is enough to get knowledge about Allah. Well! Then he is like a brigand due to his devilish trick, sensual wile and deceit. In fact, he keeps others away from gnosis of Allah, righteousness and stops them from presence in the Mohammadan Assembly. Do not trust such person because he has vile soul and wanders about like a dog in search of carrion.
روز و شب در طلبِ نبویؐ با حضور
مرد مرشد میرساند خاص نور
ہرکہ منکر میشود زیں خاص راہ
عاقبت کافر شود با رو سیاہ
Meaning: Day and night seek presence in the Mohammadan Assembly. However, remember that only spiritual guide can take you to this special Divine light. Those who negate this superior way at last turns infidel and become dark inside. (Majalisat un-Nabi Khurd)
The inciting innerself and the Satan cannot enter the esteemed Mohammadan Assembly. This sanctified court is Ism-e-Allah Zaat and Ism-e-Mohammad. Within this assembly one gains insight into the origin of existence, eternity, world, hereafter, Day of Judgement, gnosis of Allah, heaven, hell and houris. (Aqal-e-Baydar)
The Nine Stations of Mohammadan Assembly
The grand Mohammadan Assembly stations at nine places according to the respective levels and stations. These nine stations are:
- The station of pre-existence;
- At the tomb of the Holy Prophet in Madina (Medina/ Madinah);
- The station of eternity;
- In the sanctuary of Holy Kaaba or inside the Kaaba. Also, when Allah accepts prayers in the plain of Arafat. Or during hajj when a seeker calls Lubbaik (meaning I am present O Lord);
- Above the Divine Throne;
- At the station of ultimate nearness to Allah Almighty (qab qausain);
- In the Paradise. If the seeker eats or drinks something from here, he never feels hunger or thirst or the need of sleep in his life again;
- At the heavenly pond of Kauthar. Where, if the seeker has the holy beverage from the hands of the Holy Prophet, his whole being is purified. Here, he acquires the holy attributes of renunciation of the world and complete trust upon Allah (tawakul). Then, crossing the levels of inward solitude (tajrid) and negation of self (tafrid). Also, with Divine favour he reaches the station of Oneness (Tawhid) where he is blessed with the Divine Company; and
- At the level of complete immersion in the light of the Divine Essence after having the privilege of His vision. (Shams-ul-Arifeen)
Four Spiritual Attentions in the Mohammadan Assembly
In Shams-ul-Arifeen, Sultan Bahoo says;
The seeker who annihilates himself, reaches the final level of gnosis of Faqr. However, a seeker drops out of the Mohammadan Assembly if he presents his worldly request there. Or at any of the nine stations of the Mohammadan Assembly he presents an issue related with the worldly people. Then his level of belovedness drops to the level of a reprobate and is driven out of this assembly. A Mystic immortal with Allah, approaches the final level of the Mohammadan Assembly after visiting all the preceding levels. At this level his inciting innerself is completely dead and his soul becomes alive and delighted. When a seeker enters this Assembly, (Allah) purifies his being by four kinds of efficacy. Also, through the spiritual attention of four sacred personalities.
- By the efficacy of spiritual attention of Abu Bakr Siddiq, Allah blesses the seeker with the attribute of truthfulness. As a result, He removes hypocrisy and lie from his being.
- By the spiritual attention of Umar, the seeker adopts the attributes of justice and self-accountability. Hence, Allah eliminates the sensual desires from his inward.
- By the efficacy of spiritual sight of Usman, he becomes modest and obedient. Moreover, he gets rid of immodesty and disobedience.
- Finally, by the spiritual attention of Ali, Allah blesses the seeker with the Divine knowledge, righteousness and Faqr. Consequently, Allah relieves him from ignorance and love of the world.
Effects Of Mohammadan Assembly on True Seeker
As mentioned earlier, the Mohammadan Assembly has four spiritual attentions. Thus, these spiritual attentions purify all the undesirable qualities of the true seeker. As Sultan Bahoo mentioned in Shams-ul-Arifeen;
After purification and acquiring the holy attributes (in Mohammadan Assembly), the seeker becomes eligible for giving spiritual persuasion to others. Prophet Mohammad takes oath of allegiance from him personally and grants him the eternal rank of a perfect spiritual guide. The level of the Mohammadan Assembly is like a touchstone which checks the truthfulness of a seeker. On entering this assembly, the true seekers have the privilege of seeing and meeting the Holy Prophet. This meeting fulfills all their inward and outward desires. So, they renounce everything other than Allah and adopt complete trust upon Allah. Hence their inward is perfectly purified and converted into Divine light. Then, they drown in the Divine Oneness and ever remain present in the Mohammadan Assembly respectfully with perfect belief. (Shams-ul-Arifeen)
Effects of the Mohammadan Assembly on Hypocrite Seeker
In Shams-ul-Arifeen, Sultan Bahoo also mentions the effects of the Mohammadan Assembly on the hypocrite seeker. He narrates these effects as follows;
In the Mohammadan Assembly invocation, recitation of Quran and discussion about Hadith and Islamic jurisprudence is going on. When a hypocrite seeker enters here, even then he does not believe that this is the sacred Mohammadan Assembly. (This blindness occurs) due to his hypocritical inward. As a result, he is apostatized and cursed and thus demoted from his spiritual rank. I seek Allah’s refuge from this. (Shams-ul-Arifeen)
Significance of The Mohammadan Assembly
in this regard, Sultan Bahoo says in Shams-ul-Arifeen;
When the sacred effects of the Mohammadan Assembly bless a true and pure natured seeker his imperfect existence becomes perfect. Also, the grace of sharia of Prophet Mohammad benefits him. The love of the Holy Prophet and the desire to have his closeness, gnosis and union obsess his whole being. He does everything to please his Prophet and leaves all kinds of indecent behaviours. Thus, the spiritual states of Prophet Mohammad dominate and accumulate in him. (This means he follows the Holy Prophet physically as well as spiritually. Then goes through all the spiritual states experienced by the Prophet to reach the ultimate level of closeness to Allah). He becomes aware of all the inward and outward levels. In short, Allah reveals everything upon him. (Shams-ul-Arifeen)
What is the initial level of perfect Sarwari Qadri?
A perfect and accomplished Sarwari Qadri spiritual guide grants the spiritual marvel and station of presence in the Mohammadan Assembly. As Sultan Bahoo said:
What is the initial level of Sarwari Qadri? That the perfect Qadri spiritual guide drowns the true seeker of Allah in the Divine light of gnosis of Allah. Also, he grants the seeker with the presence of Mohammadan Assembly. He does so just by his glance or by the contemplation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat or by invocation of Islamic creed. Or lastly, by his spiritual attention. This is the first day lesson of the Qadri followers. The spiritual guide who neither knows this lesson nor takes his disciples to the sacred assembly is not the perfect. Rather, he is not the Qadri spiritual guide. His state of spiritual ecstasy is just his vain thought. The true Qadri disciples are eternally drowned in the Divine light of gnosis and union with Allah. (Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan)
Iqbal said about the Mohammadan Assembly,
بہ مصطفیٰؐ برساں خویش را کہ دین ہمہ اوست
اگر بہ او نہ رسیدی، تمام بولہبی است
Explanation: Take yourself the Mohammadan Assembly, as Prophet Mohammad is the true religion. If you fail to attain presence of this revered assembly, then your religion and faith is parallel to the faith of Abu Lahab. (Armaghan-e-Hijaz)
The presence in the Mohammadan Assembly is the most important station of inward and the path of Faqr. Only a perfect and accomplished Sarwari Qadri spiritual guide can lead a seeker to this esteemed Assembly. Visit the following link to read further detail on the Mohammadan Assembly.