Declaration of Bayat ( Oath of Allegiance) at the Sacred Hands of Sultan ul Ashiqeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman

1. O’ Allah I repent of infidelity (Kufr), O’ Allah I repent of polytheism (Shirk), O’ Allah I repent of theft, O’ Allah I repent of lie, O’ Allah I repent of slander, O’ Allah I repent of all prohibited and unlawful acts, O’ Allah I repent of adultery, O’ Allah I repent of backbiting and complaining, O’ Allah I repent of all the sins.
2. O’ Allah I repent of infidelity (Kufr), O’ Allah I repent of polytheism (Shirk), O’ Allah I repent of theft, O’ Allah I repent of lie, O’ Allah I repent of slander, O’ Allah I repent of all prohibited and unlawful acts, O’ Allah I repent of adultery, O’ Allah I repent of backbiting and complaining, O’ Allah I repent of all the sins.
3. O’ Allah I repent of infidelity (Kufr), O’ Allah I repent of polytheism (Shirk), O’ Allah I repent of theft, O’ Allah I repent of lie, O’ Allah I repent of slander, O’ Allah I repent of all prohibited and unlawful acts, O’ Allah I repent of adultery, O’ Allah I repent of backbiting and complaining, O’ Allah I repent of all the sins.