Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman was born in Bakhshan Khan Tehsil Chishtian, District Bahawalnagar, Pakistan. He was born on 19th August 1959 (14th Safar 1379 H) Wednesday at 4:30 a.m.
His father named him Najib-ur-Rehman.

Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman was born in Bukhshan Khan Tehsil Chistian, District Bahawalnagar, Pakistan. He was born on August 19, 1959 (14 Safar 1379 H) Wednesday at 4:30 a.m.
His father named him Najib-ur-Rehman.

Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman was born in Bukhshan Khan Tehsil Chistian, District Bahawalnagar, Pakistan. He was born on August 19, 1959 (14 Safar 1379 H) Wednesday at 4:30 a.m.
His father named him Najib-ur-Rehman.

Early Signs of Sainthood
The signs of his sainthood and nearness to Allah started appearing even before his birth. Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s respected mother used to say that while she was expecting him, she did not experience any pain or complications like she had when pregnant with her other children or in general the problems women experience in pregnancy. Instead, for the entire duration of expecting Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen, she felt increased devotion for Holy Prophet and Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani. Thus, she used to send salutations upon the Holy Prophet and recite encomiums in the honour of al-Ghawth al-Azam all the time. She had not felt such zealous inclination and devotions towards these exalted personalities before.
The mother of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen narrated her dream from when she was pregnant with him. She said:
“I dreamt during the pregnancy that a full moon has risen very early in the evening. It is so radiant and luminous that its light is dazzling the eyes. After some time, the full moon transpires into the sun. This sun then rises exactly from above my house, travels up and across in the middle of the sky and instantly the crack of dawn occurs which brightens everything. The light of this sun is so bright that it illuminates the whole world. When I woke up, I understood that the dream was about the blessed baby I was expecting.”
The splendour and charisma of the personality of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen is his peculiarity. The innocence of his childhood and the light of his pure soul amplifies his charm a lot more. Notably, the Divine light of Truth radiated from his forehead. As a small kid, whoever beheld him fixed his gaze at him and wanted to hold him in arms. Whenever his father took him along to the market, everyone wanted to see him, adored him and held him. People enquired about him when his father did not take him along.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen as a baby
The mother of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen said:
“When I saw my fortunate son after his birth, it seemed like a ray of Divine light was shining upon his forehead. His eyes had a unique vigour and charm. This increased with the passage of time. I thought, just like any other mother loves and admires her children, I also profoundly love my dear son. Then a thought came to my mind, ‘No’ something is special about this baby that distinguishes him from others. Indeed, his Divine fascination never let me remain apart from it.”
Comment of a Dervish on seeing Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen as a Baby
The mother of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen once related that a Dervish often visited her house every couple of months. Once he came after the birth of Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman, so she showed him the newborn and asked to pray for him. At the moment, that spiritually absorbed Dervish was sitting on the ground. As soon as he caught the sight of the light of the baby’s forehead, he suddenly stood up. He kissed his forehead and told her,
“Sister! Keep the baby’s forehead covered. If the devils read it, they would exacerbate you and try to create problems for you. However, they won’t be able to cause any harm to the baby. Despite their lame efforts, he will definitely achieve his destination. Unfortunately, you won’t live long enough to see either his prosperity or spiritual heights.”
Another dream of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen's Mother
Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman’s mother reveals that one night she saw al-Ghawth al-Azam Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani in her dream. He told her about Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen:
“He is mine and is certainly my reflection. I would inquire you about him.”
After this dream, his mother became more vigilant and careful about his up bringing and training.
Prediction of a Dervish about Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen
As mentioned earlier, a Dervish often visited the house of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s mother. Once, he made the following predictions about him;
He said to the mother of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen,
“This son of yours is very fortunate. Allah has inscribed his forehead with a special destiny. Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani will spiritually train him in a special way under his own supervision. Undoubtedly, he will pass him through all the stages of life.”
On another occasion he predicted;
“Your son is a leader. Wherever he would live, he would be a leader. More so, Allah will humiliate, denounce and deprave those who hold animosity against him.”
The Predictions of Dervish Proved to be True
All the words of the Dervish not only proved true but he achieved even higher status than what he predicted. Due to the celestial fortune inscribed on his forehead, he had to face some hostility though. Also, upon the matters of truth, he faced disagreement from several devilish natured jealous ones. Sultan ul Ashiqeen had firm resolution on truth. The special kindness of Allah always saved him from all his opponents. Allah disgraced and humiliated his enemies sooner or later whether they were trivial or significant.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen was not an ordinary child
The childhood of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen was no ordinary. His interests and activities were not what would appease a ordinary child. For instance,
- His mother related that he did not like to remain out or roam about aimlessly in the streets for long.
- He spent most of his time in studies and serving his parents.
- Also, he was innately a hardworking, serious and patient child. He was never obstinate and demanding like other children.
- He likes cleanliness not as an adult but also as a child. Even in the days of poverty, he used to wear clean clothes even if they were old.
- He did not eat till his parents, sister and brother had their meal. As he loved them dearly.
Since childhood, he had restlessness in his nature and was not interested in the worldly charm. It seemed as if he was in search of something significant. Often, he avoided gatherings and preferred solitude.
Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali’s comment on Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s spiritual guide, Sultan-ul-Faqr VI Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali was well aware of his spiritual status. He always loved him and admired his urge to do the right thing. Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen became the beloved of his spiritual the very first day he met him. Often, his beloved spiritual guide used to say to him,
“Allah has inscribed good fortune on your forehead.”
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