Propagating Faqr
The Essence of Islam
In Arabic Dawah means to call. In Islam, to call people towards the true religion and encourage them to follow its teachings is Dawah. Allah says in Quran:
And keep calling (the people) towards your Lord. (28: 87)
The word Tableegh means to deliver. In Islamic terms it means to deliver the message of Truth to people. As Allah says in Quran:
O (Esteemed) Messenger! Communicate (to the people all) that has been revealed to you from your Lord. (5: 67)
The purpose of preaching is not just spreading the message but it is to make others adopt it through one’s own actions. For it to be effective, the preacher first needs to adopt what he /she preaches before inviting others. Allah sent Prophets and Messengers for guidance so that people may not say on the day of Judgement that there was no one to guide them towards the righteous path.

♦The Messengers who were Bearers of good news and Warners (were sent) so that after (the arrival of these) Messengers people may not have any plea against Allah. And Allah is Almighty, Most Wise. 〈4:165〉
♦O People of the Book! Indeed, Our (Last) Prophet has come to you (at the juncture) when (the chain of) Messengers’ succession is breaking off, and he expounds to you (Our commands and injunctions) with ample clarity, (because) you may (by way of excuse) say: ‘There has come to us no Bearer of good news or a Warner.’ (Now this excuse of yours has also lost ground because) undoubtedly, (the Final) Bearer of glad tidings and Warner has come to you, and Allah has absolute power over everything.〈5:19〉

All Prophets and Messengers Invited People towards Truth (Islam)
Preaching and invitation is the sunna of Prophets and Messengers. All the Messengers – from Prophet Adam to Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) – came to this world to accomplish this great mission.
Preaching is like a system upon which the whole structure of ‘good’ stands. All the Prophets had the task of spreading good in society as well as to guide and invite humanity towards Allah.
Prophet Noah continued preaching and inviting his nation towards righteousness throughout his life. This was despite their extreme hatred and opposition and all sorts of obstacles they put in his way. He prayed to Allah as:
Nuh (Noah) submitted: ‘O my Lord! Indeed, I kept calling my people night and day. (71: 5)
Allah mentions the preaching efforts of Prophet Hud in Quran as:
I am communicating to you the messages of my Lord and I am your trustworthy well-wisher. (7: 68)
Prophet Saleh said:
Then (Saleh) turned away from them, saying: ‘O my people, verily I delivered the message of my Lord to you and gave you advice (as well) but you do not like the counsellors.’ (7: 79)
Prophet Shuaib then progressed this mission further during his time and said:
Then (Shuaib) separated from them and said: ‘O my people, verily, I communicated to you the Messages of my Lord and I admonished you (as well). Then why should I regret (the devastation of) a disbelieving people?’ (7: 93)
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) Strived to Spread Islam

Prophet Moses stood firm against Pharaoh and kept spreading the message of Truth. Allah says about him in Quran:
And, O my people, why is it that I call you to salvation and you call me to Hell? You invite me to deny Allah, and associate with Him that of which I have no knowledge, whilst I invite you to the Almighty God, Who is Most Forgiving. (40: 41-42)
The following verses refer to the Holy Prophet’s (pbuh) preaching and inviting humanity towards righteousness.
(O Glorious Messenger!) Invite towards the path of your Lord with wisdom and refined exhortation. (16: 125)
O (Esteemed) Prophet! Surely, We have sent you as a Witness (to the truth and the creation), a Bearer of glad tidings (of the beauty of the Hereafter) and a Warner (of the torment in the Hereafter). And (as) an Inviter towards Allah by His command and as a Sun spreading Light. (33: 45, 46)
So, continuously admonish them, for you are but an admonisher. (88: 21)
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) put an enormous effort in the spread and propagation of Islam. He sent invitations to various world leaders of the time to accept Islam. There is a lesson for us in the sunna of Holy Prophet (pbuh) that we must try our best to spread the message of Truth (Faqr) as much as we can.
Propagating Faqr in light of Hadith
♦Abu Hurairah quotes Holy Prophet (pbuh) saying:
Whoever, invited (others) towards righteousness, he will get the reward equal to those who adopt this path. And there will be no reduction in the reward for those. Whoever, invited towards evil, he will get torment equal to those who adopted the wrong path. And his punishment will be no less than others. (Al-Tirmidhi)
♦Abu Saeed al-Khudri narrates a long hadith in which the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said:
No one must ever holdback from saying good due to fear of others. (Al-Tirmidhi)
♦Aisha bin Abu Bakr says, she heard the Holy Prophet (pbuh) saying:
Inculcate good deed and encourage people to avoid evil before such time when you ask Allah for forgiveness and He will not accept your prayers. (Ibn Majah)
♦Abu Hurairah narrates a Hadith from Holy Prophet (pbuh):
You must continue to inculcate people to adopt good and avoid evil. Otherwise Allah will make the bad people amongst you, your rulers. At such time, the pious people will ask Allah for help but He will not accept their prayers. (Al-Tabarani)

The importance of preaching and invitation in the present age is very relevant and much needed. This is because the anti-Islam elements are prevalent and very active in spreading negativity about Islam. Preaching can be individual as well as collective. It can be national or international. Change begins from a single person, therefore, the message of Truth must also begin from individuals.
Propagating Faqr at Individual Level
Every Muslim is an ambassador of Islam. Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to do our best in spreading the message of Truth to others. In this regard, immediate family and relatives must be invited first. The Holy Prophet also began preaching from his family.
However, here preaching does not mean to invite towards Islam. This is because for a Muslim their family is generally already Muslim. In fact, what it really means is to invite them towards the essence of Islam i.e. Faqr that leads to enlightenment of the inward and blesses one with Divine gnosis. When Allah blesses someone with the treasure of Faqr then it is must for them to invite their family and relatives towards it. Allah says in Quran:
O believers! Safeguard yourselves and your families against a fire whose fuel is men and stones. Appointed over it are strong and stern angels who do not disobey Allah in what He commands them. And they accomplish what they are ordered. (66: 6)
The believers, men and women, are helpers and friends to one another. They command good and forbid evil. (9: 71)
The aforementioned verses mention preaching and invitation at individual level.
Collective Preaching and Invitation to Islam
The other form of preaching and invitation is collective. For this to work effectively, there is need for a platform or an organisation. So that the message of Truth can be propagated in the society effectively through people who are trained in this mission. Allah says in Quran:
And from amongst you there must be a community (group) comprising the people who invite mankind towards gnosis and forbid evil. And they are the ones who will surely attain success. (3: 104)
For firmness of one’s faith, the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said it is very important to be part of an organisation that calls people towards Truth. It is very difficult to save one’s faith in today’s materialistic age. Like the anti-Islam forces have gathered, similarly, there is need for a collective and organised effort to protect and spread the message of Islam.
The series of Prophethood ended on Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). There will be no Prophet after him. Therefore, the task of propagating the message of Truth got transferred to the perfect Fakirs (Saints) of his umma. The Fakirs have been propagating the message of Faqr which is the essence of Islam throughout history.

The reviver of Islam in present age, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman (Markaz e Faqr) established Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr in order to spread the message of Faqr. The aim of this organisation is to spread the message of Mohammadan Faqr throughout the world. It is to re-connect Muslims with their Lord and strengthen their esoteric connection. Just because of our weak esoteric connection with Allah, we as Muslims are facing the worst period in Islamic history.

Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr strives to guide and educate people to try and achieve the essence of deeds rather than performing hollow rituals.

The society cannot succeed until everyone corrects their esoteric self. Only those are worthy of being called Momin (believer) who purge their (inner) self and sanctify it. Allah has promised reward for believers in Quran and not for those so-called Muslims. Therefore, Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr is striving to invite Muslims towards esoteric purification and enlightenment so that they may succeed in this life and hereafter.
Books Consulted:
- Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen: Published by Sultan-ul-Faqr Publications
- Dawat-e-Tableegh Mein Khawateen Ka Kirdar: Dr. Tahir ul Qadri
- Husn-e-Amal: As above
Comments (28)
Excellent article. I would really like everyone in my family to adopt this path.
Very beautiful ❤️ and informative article, though it is in English but I enjoyed.
Very informative article.
i like this artical
The reviver of Islam in present age, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman (Markaz e Faqr) established Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr in order to spread the message of Faqr.
Very well explained 👍🏻
Preaching and invitation is the sunna of Prophets and Messengers. All the Messengers – from Prophet Adam to Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) – came to this world to accomplish this great mission.
Preaching is like a system upon which the whole structure of ‘good’ stands. All the Prophets had the task of spreading good in society as well as to guide and invite humanity towards Allah.
The reviver of Islam in present age, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman (Markaz e Faqr) established Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr in order to spread the message of Faqr. The aim of this organisation is to spread the message of Mohammadan Faqr throughout the world. It is to re-connect Muslims with their Lord and strengthen their esoteric connection. Just because of our weak esoteric connection with Allah, we as Muslims are facing the worst period in Islamic history.
The society cannot succeed until everyone corrects their esoteric self. Only those are worthy of being called Momin (believer) who purge their (inner) self and sanctify it. Allah has promised reward for believers in Quran and not for those so-called Muslims.
Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr strives to guide and educate people to try and achieve the essence of deeds rather than performing hollow rituals
🌹 موجودہ دور کے انسانِ کامل، فقیر مالک الملکی، مرشد کامل اکمل جامع نور الہدیٰ، سلسلہ سروری قادری کے اکتیسویں شیخِ کامل، سلطان العاشقین حضرت سخی سلطان محمد نجیب الرحمٰن مدظلہ الاقدس 🌹
The reviver of Islam in present age, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman (Markaz e Faqr) established Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr in order to spread the message of Faqr. The aim of this organisation is to spread the message of Mohammadan Faqr throughout the world. It is to re-connect Muslims with their Lord and strengthen their esoteric connection. Just because of our weak esoteric connection with Allah, we as Muslims are facing the worst period in Islamic history.
Everyone is invited to join forces with Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr so that we may learn the essence of Islam and succeed in achieving the real purpose of our lives. Ameen
No doubt Faqr is only way to attain closeness of Allah.
Very nice article❤
Indeed Faqr is the way to reach Allah ♥️♥️♥️
No one must ever holdback from saying good due to fear of others. (Al-Tirmidhi)
Faqr (Sufism) is the path that leads to inward enlightenment and attaining gnosis of Divine Essence.
Very informative article
Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr is striving to invite Muslims towards esoteric purification and enlightenment so that they may succeed in this life and hereafter.
The society cannot succeed until everyone corrects their esoteric self. Only those are worthy of being called Momin (believer) who purge their (inner) self and sanctify it.
This article gives in depth knowledge about essence of Islam
great and informative article..❤️👌
The believers, men and women, are helpers and friends to one another. They command good and forbid evil. (9: 71)
Very informative article
And we’ll explain
Interesting and informative article
Faqr (Sufism) is the path that leads to inward enlightenment and attaining gnosis of Divine Essence.
That’s very informative article everyone should read it.