Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Teachings


Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen (the 31st Sarwari Qadri Spiritual Guide of this era)

Sultan ul Ashiqeen is the 31st Sarwari Qadri spiritual guide (Shaikh/Murshid) and the Universal Divine Man of the era.  Indeed, the perfect spiritual guide is the source of Divine guidance for his era as well as the future generations. The teachings and quotes of Sultan ul Ashiqeen are like a glowing light for seekers in the path of Allah. Certainly, his guidance alleviates the darkness of world and shows the path of righteousness to the mankind.

Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen (the-only-spiritual-heir-of-the-Mohammadan-Faqr-of-this-era)

Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen teachings are the Soul of Mohammadan Faqr

His teachings highlight the soul of the Mohammadan religion Islam i.e. Faqr. Moreover, these teachings act as a guide for a seeker of Allah in every walk of life. Be it inward spiritual matter or outward worldly matter. Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman is commencing the revival of this pure religion Islam. Furthermore, he is making the world aware of the teachings of the Saints of the Sarwari Qadri order.

Sultan ul Ashiqeen is benefitting the whole era

Being a Sarwari Qadri Saint, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s alchemic sight holds no boundaries. Therefore, with his spiritual attention he is benefitting the seekers of Allah all over the world. Additionally, his spiritual teachings in his books or websites are a handy source of guidance in this world of temptations. Given below is a short collection of selected quotes extracted from his books or noted during his gatherings. However, to read more about Sultan ul Ashiqeen’s teachings on this topic in Urdu or English language, click the link below:

Sultan ul Ashiqeen says about the King of Invocations?

  • The secret of ‘Hoo’( ھُو ) i.e. the Divine Essence is not revealed without the invocation of ‘Ya-Hoo’.
  • Unless a person reaches at the level of ‘Hoo’, he can neither recognize Allah nor Prophet Mohammad (pbuh).
  • Ism-e-Allah Zaat is that mirror in which Almighty Allah sees Himself. The person who encompasses himself in the Ism-e-Allah Zaat becomes a symbol of ‘Hoo’ ( ھُو ). Ultimately, he represents the Essence and attributes of Hoo ( ھُو ).
  • Through invocation of Hoo ( ھُو ), the seeker progresses in the levels of invocation. However, Hoo ( ھُو ) remains the same from beginning till the end.
  • The best of all invocations is the invocation performed within oneself secretly (Zikr-e-Khafi). As it blesses the soul with inner peace.
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