The Journey Within, With the Perfect Fakir Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen
Divine Essence was concealed in Himself in many esoteric veils within veils in the realm of Incomparable and Unknowable (HaHooiyat). There was no one to cross the ocean of gnosis and call Hoo to Allah. The outburst of passion to behold Himself occurred in the Essence in the form of love. But nothing in the non-existing universe could dare to become His mirror.
So, He separated Ism-e-Allah Zaat from Himself (manifested Himself in the form of Ism-e-Allah Zaat). From Ism-e-Allah Zaat the light of Mohammad manifested. When Allah beheld His reflection in the mirror of His Oneness in the form of Mohammadan light, He was fascinated and became fond of the mirror which was pure of the darkness and full of beauty. The yearning for love gave color to this most beautiful and dazzling sight and the universe came into being.
The First Believer
Beholding Himself in the mirror of Mohammadan light is the secret of this universe, for no one except Mohammadan light was given the power to behold Allah directly without a medium.

Beholding Allah and attaining to the level of Divine gnosis is the grandest blessing of Allah on man. The companions of Prophet Moses went with him to Mount Sinai and had hidden hatred in their hearts instead of wishing to see Allah, so they were burnt to dust, and Mount Sinai was shattered into sand particles. Whereas Prophet Moses beheld Allah and accepted to become the first believer (verse 143 of sura al-A’raf) (For detailed study, refer to chapter ‘Divine Vision’ of the book Sufism: The Soul of Islam)
Principles of Divine Vision

Allah created the human soul from Mohammadan soul in beautiful form and named it as human being. Then some principles were written with a secret ink for human to behold Allah. One principle that this ink wrote is to remove all veils of inciting innerself. The luxuries of the world and the fear and longing of the hereafter darkened the human soul. To remove this darkness and to sanctify the soul, perfect men were sent in the form of Prophets and Messengers and after the seal of Prophethood, the perfect Saints.
Conferring Vision on Sincere Ones
Allah showered theophanies of His Essence upon those followers of Prophet Mohammad who loved him in accordance with their levels and washed away from them the dust of good or bad attributes.
Then He conferred the luster of the mirror of Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) upon the mirrors of perfect Fakirs. That is, He blessed them with His vision and immortality and made them the Saint of their time. They remove the difference between love, lover and beloved and make the seekers of Allah an embodiment of Oneness. These Saints make goblet of Oneness of Being (Only He exists) common for everyone in their Khanqahs.
دیدار خاص کے لیے عام ہے
اعتراض شقی کا کام ہے
Explanation: Divine vision is common for the special ones. Only those object who are vicious.
Miraj of Holy Prophet
The Lord of the worlds, due to the intensity of love, Throned Himself in the universe in the inward of true believers. The Prophet (peace be upon him), on the other hand, went on Miraj for the sake of Beloved and reached the ultimate ascension of humanity. His inward did not incline towards anything but the Lord. When Holy Prophet went on Miraj, he met angels and the souls of the Prophets. He saw Sidrat al-Muntaha, heavens and both the realms adorned and decorated in every aspect, but the Prophet did not pay any heed to them. He remained engrossed in beholding Allah. Nobody can reach the station of extreme Divine nearness (qab qausain) and have Miraj like the Holy Prophet. Neither anyone can behold Allah with physical eyes like he did.
Annihilation and Immortality
The knowledge of annihilation in Allah and becoming immortal with Him is forever alive. Why would it not be? This is His knowledge, it is from Him, and is in Him. It will live forever. Apparently, annihilation seems to be the exact opposite of immortality, but in fact, these two stages are connected, and are essential for the accomplishment of the esoteric self. The accomplishment of annihilation in Allah is in becoming immortal with Him. After passing through the stages of annihilation in spiritual guide, when a seeker annihilates in the Prophet and Allah and ultimately becomes immortal with Allah, then according to the saying of Sultan Bahoo he becomes the Essence.
Returning to the Origin is the Miraj of Human

Iqbal said:
عبد دیگر عبدہٗ چیزے دگر
ما سراپا انتظار او منتظر
(جاوید نامہ)
Explanation: Slaves (Abd) are different from AbduHoo. The difference is that slave keeps waiting for Allah’s attention but the grandeur of AbduHoo is that Allah waits for him and seeks his wish. (Javid Nama)
The glory of the Holy Prophet is that during Miraj he traveled with Angel Gabriel, the Prophets offered prayer behind him. At a point Gabriel stopped advancing (as he could not go beyond the realm of power). Prophet Mohammad traveled beyond this point due to his passionate love and beheld the Truth. Despite this, he ever uttered:
اَنا عبدہٗ
Meaning: I am the slave of Allah.
While Mansur al-Hallaj in a state of intoxication of Divine love abruptly said:
انا الحق
Meaning: I am the Truth.
No elevated Saint in this world can ever reach the secrets and depths of Miraj of Holy Prophet. But somewhere in these depths and secrets it is also written that the Miraj of human is returning to his origin (Mohammadan light). As the Hadith of Holy Prophet says:
اَلنِّھَایَۃُ ھُوَ الرُّجُوْعُ اِلَی الْبِدَایَۃِ
Meaning: Returning to the origin is the utmost level.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen – The Manifestation of Divine Essence

The perfect Saint Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman has reached his origin. He annihilated in Allah in such a way that he covered all stages of “Death before dying”. All that remained was his physical being. As Sultan Bahoo said:
His physical body is just like a subtle and minor curtain, behind which Allah is revealing thousands of strange secrets and rare facts. (Risala Roohi Sharif)
The journey of Universal Divine Man begins and ends at HaHooiyat – the realm of Incomparable and Unknowable.
Indeed, the soul of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen is the mirror of the Divine Essence. He is the representative of Allah and the possessor of Divine Trust. It is the blessing of the Prophet who bestows it on whomever he wills. Being a perfect spiritual guide, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen has made the path of Divine gnosis common to everyone who yearns to seek it sincerely. He blesses his seekers with the beneficence of Ism-e-Allah Zaat and Ism-e-Mohammad, spiritually trains them to sanctify their inwards and make them true seeker of Allah.
Sultan Bahoo writes in his books that a sincere seeker of Allah is smart and attentive while a perfect spiritual guide is key to reaching Divine Oneness. He is a treasure trove of mysteries and secrets. How can Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen not be a treasure! He is sincere to loving seekers, wise in front of sincere ones, and innocent in front of the wise! He possesses many qualities and colors, but the color of passionate love for Holy Prophet is so strong that the veil lifts in front of the lovers and unveiled vision makes the lover teary eyed.
Unveiled Divine Essence
Divine Essence is unveiled in the sacred being of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen. When eyes of seeker meet his eyes, the innerself purifies and the soul enlightens. The seeker gains the purpose. Then a voiceless admonition in the form of inspiration tongue-ties the seeker and says to him:
“Remain silent, do not become Mansur al-Hallaj, the journey to becoming immortal with Allah is yet to be accomplished.”
The Doors are Open for Any Sincere Heart
If any seeker of Allah is convinced that gnosis of Allah is achieved only by the self-realization, then surely, he must pledge allegiance to the Universal Divine Man of the era, the perfect Fakir Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen. One must not act stubborn in his ego. Allah knows what is good for us and what is bad. He has broken the pen after writing destiny. Remember! there are two types of destinies, one is worldly and the other which we must write for ourselves, i.e., to strive for Allah’s gnosis, vision, and His closeness.
Key to Divine Oneness
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen changes inwards and reveals the truth of ardent Divine love on the esoteric-self. Earlier it was common only among the special ones, now it is a special knowledge for every common man. He reveals the secrets of Oneness and opens its closed doors on seeker by passing him through the gnosis of Divine attributes and taking him to the ocean of gnosis of Divine Essence.
The knowledge of Divine vision and union has been continuing to reveal on inwards of perfect men. In this age, the key to this treasure is Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen, who after blessing with the vision, takes back the skill of being a painter. The tongue becomes silent, and the rivers of words dry up. There remains nothing except examples. The light that illuminates the universe is shining in the inward of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen. It is in fact light of Mohammad because he is on the footsteps of Holy Prophet.
Concluding Words
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen is Fakir Malik-ul-Mulki (Master of the worlds). He is perfect and accomplished spiritual guide. He has revolutionized the world of Faqr (Sufism) keeping in view the requirements of the present age that even people of intellect are stunned. How can we fulfil the right to praise a spiritual guide whose favours are immense? But the unfortunate and the disrespectful see nothing because of their blindness and ill faith. As Sultan Bahoo says:
بے ادباں ناں سار ادب دی، گئے ادباں توں وانجے ھوُ
Explanation: The ill-mannered and uncultured people are not aware of the respect and regard of the greatly venerable ones. Due to their wretchedness, they are deprived of the status which is of the respectful.
We are certain that Allah is watching us every moment, but can we say with the truth of certainty that we beheld countenance of His Essence.
وَ مَنْ کَانَ فِیْ ھٰذِہٖ اَعْمٰی فَھُوَ فِی الْاٰخِرَۃِ اَعْمٰی
Meaning: And whoever remains blind (to the Divine vision) in this world will be blind (from seeing Allah) in the hereafter as well. (17:72)
There is still time. Success and salvation lie in getting associated to the perfect spiritual guide.
اَتَصْبِرُوْنَ وَ کَانَ رَبُّکَ بَصِیْرًا
Meaning: Will you observe patience? (And not even try to proceed towards your Lord?) And your Lord is All-Seeing (and is waiting). (25:20)

This article was published in Mahnama Sultan-ul-Faqr Lahore (monthly Urdu magazine of Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr) titled as رازِ پنہاں Raaz-e-Pinhan in the issue of March 2022. It was originally written by Sahibzadi Muneeza Najib Sarwari Qadri and translated in English by Sofia Sultan Sarwari Qadri.
Comments (46)
what a beautiful article!
MashaAllah that’s really informative about the reality of life. ❤
MashaAllah very well explained!
Very Informative and well written article ♥️
Butefull 💖 💖 💖 💖
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen is Fakir Malik-ul-Mulki (Master of the worlds). He is perfect and accomplished spiritual guide.
MashaALLHA Tehreek Dawat-E-Faqr a good work faqr realtited
Nice article 👌
Very Informative article ❤️
Great Informative article…
very nice article
Excellently written
The journey of Universal Divine Man begins and ends at HaHooiyat – the realm of Incomparable and Unknowable.
Behtareen 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
دیدار خاص کے لیے عام ہے
اعتراض شقی کا کام ہے
Explanation: Divine vision is common for the special ones. Only those object who are vicious.
عبد دیگر عبدہٗ چیزے دگر
ما سراپا انتظار او منتظر
(جاوید نامہ)
Explanation: Slaves (Abd) are different from AbduHoo. The difference is that slave keeps waiting for Allah’s attention but the grandeur of AbduHoo is that Allah waits for him and seeks his wish. (Javid Nama)
Very Informative Article
If any seeker of Allah is convinced that gnosis of Allah is achieved only by the self-realization, then surely, he must pledge allegiance to the Universal Divine Man of the era, the perfect Fakir
Informative and heart touching
Great writing
Very informative article
A nice article to reflect the inward spiritual reality of our perfect spiritual guide. 💗
Beautifully written MashaAllah ❤️
The journey of Universal Divine Man begins and ends at HaHooiyat – the realm of Incomparable and Unknowable.
Nicely written
Good artical
Treasure of Divine Love
Excellent 👌
Best article
The Journey Within, With the Perfect Fakir Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen…
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen is Fakir Malik-ul-Mulki (Master of the worlds). He is perfect and accomplished spiritual guide. He has revolutionized the world of Faqr (Sufism) keeping in view the requirements of the present age that even people of intellect are stunned
Nice Bohat khoob
Long Live Sultan ul Ashiqeen. Ameen
Very informative
Very nice MaShaAllah
The real journey indeed.