The sacred name of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen is ‘Najib-ur-Rehman’. However, his spiritual guide Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali gave him the filial appellation of ‘ابو المرتضیٰ’ Abu Al-Murtaza. He picked this appellation because of his beloved son Sahibzada Murtaza Najib. Since the beginning Allah’s way with His beloveds is that He gives them special titles according to their distinguishing attributes. Just so the world gets to know their grandeur and the level of belovedness. Like in the Holy Quran, Allah addresses His beloved Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) with beautiful titles such as Yaseen and Taha and only Allah and His Prophet know their meaning. Allah has also given Prophet the title of Al-Muzzammil (Thou enwrapped) and Al-Muddathir (thou who art covered).
Titles of Sarwari Qadri Saints
In the Sarwari Qadri order, the Mohammadan Assembly grants title to every Sarwari Qadri spiritual guide. The basis of title is any of his special attributes which distinguishes him from others. Precisely, this attribute dominates his whole life. This means that he spends his life under that attribute. Following are the titles of some of the Sarwari Qadri Saints.
Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani

The Mohammadan Assembly conferred various titles upon the leader of all Saints Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani. These titles illustrate his highest spiritual level and the services he rendered for the religion. For instance, his title ‘al-Ghawth al-Azam’ means the greatest Saint who redresses others’ grievances. His other titles are ‘Mohiyyuddin’ (life giver to the religion), ‘Pir Dastgir’ (The spiritual guide who helps and patronizes) etc.
Sultan Bahoo

The title of Sultan Bahoo is ‘Sultan-ul-Arifeen’ which literally means ‘The Sultan of knowers of Allah’. Because Sultan Bahoo got excellence in knowledge and gnosis of Allah. He is the one who reorganized the Qadri order by the title of Sarwari Qadri and provided completed knowledge and information about this Mystic way through his books for the guidance of Allah’s seekers and travellers of the Divine path.
Sayyid Abdullah Shah

The sacred Mohammadan Assembly titled ‘Sultan-ul-Tarikeen’ to the perfect Fakir Sayyid Abdullah Shah who is the spiritual successor of Sultan Bahoo. Literal meaning of the title is ‘The Sultan of relinquishers of the world’. As this attribute dominated his personality and in turn, he renounced the world completely.
Pir Abdul Ghafoor Shah
The title of Pir Abdul Ghafoor Shah who is the spiritual successor of Pir Abdullah Shah, is ‘Sultan-ul-Sabireen’. Which means ‘The Sultan of the enduring ones’. The Mohammadan Assembly granted him this titled because he had to face extreme hardships throughout his life. Indeed, he endured them with utmost patience only to please Allah.
Pir Bahadur Ali Shah
The title of Pir Sayyid Mohammad Bahadur Ali Shah who is the spiritual successor of Pir Abdul Ghafoor Shah, is ‘Shahbaz-e-Arifaan’. This title means ‘Falcon of the Divine knowers’. Certainly, he had the highest spiritual flight in the world of Divinity. Therefore, Mohammadan Assembly bestowed him with this title.
Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz
The spiritual leader of Sarwari Qadri order after Pir Sayyid Bahadur Ali Shah was Sultan Abdul Aziz whose title is ‘Sultan-ul-Auliya’ which means ‘The Sultan of Saints’ due to his highest level among Saints.
Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali
The spiritual successor and son of Sultan Abdul Aziz is Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali. Indeed, Allah stationed him at the highest spiritual level of ‘Sultan-ul-Faqr’. Precisely he is the sixth Sultan-ul-Faqr soul among the seven Sultan-ul-Faqr souls mentioned by Sultan Bahoo in Risala Roohi Sharif. Thus, to make his status known in the world, the Mohammadan Assembly titled him as ‘Sultan-ul-Faqr’.
Titles of Present Sarwari Qadri Saint Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman
Like other Sarwari Qadri spiritual guides, the Mohammadan Assembly also conferred titles upon Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman. Thus, this acknowledges his services for spreading Faqr in the world. These titles not only reveal his greatest level but also admire his beautiful attributes. Given below is the detail of all his titles which are (or were) the part of his sacred name.
Sultan Mohammad
Indeed, due to the efforts of Sultan Bahoo, the Sarwari Qadri order exalted to ultimate heights. Therefore, the Mohammadan Assembly titled ‘Sultan Mohammad’ to all the spiritual guides of this order who came after him. This expresses their relationship with Sultan Bahoo and his order. So this title becomes permanent part of their name. Moreover, the title ‘Sultan’ is also a sign of them being the king of Faqr in their respective era. In the following words, Sultan Mohammad Asghar describes another reason for ‘Sultan’ being part of their names;
Hoo is the king of invocations (hence, called Sultan-ul-Azkar). Therefore, the seeker of Allah who has become Hoo after annihilating in ھُو ‘Hoo‘ is ‘The Sultan’. (The Spiritual Guides of Sarwari Qadri Order, Sultan-ul-Faqr VI Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali-Life and Teachings)
Moreover, in sura ar-Rehman, Allah has also used this title referring to the Universal Divine Man in these words;
ٰمَعْشَرَ الْجِنِّ وَ الْاِنْسِ اِنِ اسْتَطَعْتُمْ اَنْ تَنْفُذُوْا مِنْ اَقْطَارِ السَّمٰوَاتِ وَ الْاَرْضِ فَانْفُذُوْا ط لَا تَنْفُذُوْنَ اِلَّا بِسُلْطَانٍ
Meaning: O group of Jinns and humans! If (you think) you can pass beyond the regions of the heavens and the earth, then (try to) pass. (Indeed), you will not pass except by the authority of the Sultan. (55:33)
Date of Entitlement
As soon as the Sarwari Qadri Murshids adorn the throne of Divine guidance, this title becomes the part of their name. Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman ascended the throne of Divine guidance and persuasion immediately after the death of his spiritual guide. Therefore, on 23rd December 2003, al-Ghawth al-Azam, Sultan Bahoo and Pir Bahadur Ali Shah ordered him to officially make ‘Sultan Mohammad’ the permanent part of his name. Thereafter, all the Saints in the spiritual world address him by the name ‘Sultan Mohammad’. Just as they address Pir Abdullah Shah as ‘Shah Sahib’ and Pir Abdul Ghafoor Shah as ‘Pir Mohammad’. Likewise, they address Pir Bahadur Ali Shah as ‘Pir Sahib’
The title ‘Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’ means ‘The Sultan of Divine lovers’ which is conferred upon Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman from the Mohammadan Assembly. This was due to his marvellous attribute of Divine love which has dominated all his other attributes. Moreover, this title manifested from his sacred self most prominently. Mohammadan Assembly awarded him with this title in 2012 when he renovated the old shrine of Pir Abdullah Shah Madni Jilani. As, in spite of extreme opposition, he successfully renovated shrine and celebrated his death anniversary (urs) at the new shrine. His efforts were much applauded in the Mohammadan Assembly and thus was given this title as a reward. Not only this but Pir Abdullah Shah also accepted his request to recommence his spiritual beneficence from his shrine. As Sayyid Abdullah Shah had stopped his beneficence from shrine due to increasing materialism among the people.
The title remained hidden for some time
At that time, Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman kept it a secret, despite that he knew it very well. This is because the Sarwari Qadri spiritual guides never want to express their spiritual status. Neither they wish fame, nor respect from the worldly people. As they are engrossed in their deep relation with Allah and the Holy Prophet. Moreover, they are busy in executing their religious responsibilities. However, grandeur of the one whom Allah has chosen as His manifestation can never remain hidden. As Sultan Bahoo says;
بو کستوری دی چھپدی ناہیں، بھانویں دے رکھیے سے پلے ھُو
انگلیں پچھے دینہہ ناہیں چھپدا، دریا نہ رہندے ٹھلے ھُو
Meaning: One cannot stop the fragrance of musk from spreading even if he envelops it in hundred cloths. Just like one can neither conceal the sun behind a finger nor can he prevent the rivers from flowing.
Revelation of the title
After a short period, Fatima Noor, a special disciple of Sultan Mohammad Najib ur Rehman was esoterically informed of this title while reciting dawat at the shrine of Sayyid Mohammad Bahadur Ali Shah. In those days three of the disciples of Sultan Mohammad Najib ur Rehman, Mrs. Yasmin Khurshid Malik, Mrs. Ambreen Moghees and Mrs. Neyntara were translating Mujtaba Akhir Zamani, a book by Sultan Mohammad Najib ur Rehman, in English by the title “The Spiritual guides of Sarwari Qadri Order”. This book explains the titles of other spiritual guides of Sarwari Qadri order. While translating this book, the translating disciples wondered what the title of their spiritual guide Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman may be. In correspondence to following the pattern of previous spiritual guides. Certainly, there had to be a title for him that goes with the previous titles like Sultan-ul-Arifeen, Sultan-ul-Tarikeen, Sultan-ul-Sabireen. Hence, they were informed esoterically that the title of their spiritual guide is ‘Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’. In this way this title got confirmed.
This great news overjoyed the disciples. Thus, they mentioned it for the first time in the book The Spiritual Guides of Sarwari Qadri Order 1st edition. Sultan-ul-Faqr Publications published the 1st edition in 2015. Later, many other disciples confirmed this title as they were also informed about it spiritually. This in turn made the title well known among the circle of all the Sarwari Qadri disciples.
Reason behind the Title
Certainly, Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman is the Sultan of Divine lovers. He spent his entire life in the love of Allah, the Holy Prophet and the beloved Saints of Allah. Moreover, he also granted the blessing of Divine love to his disciples and seekers. Truly, without the Divine love, a seeker cannot achieve the spiritual stations of Faqr. Be it the vision of Allah or the presence of the Mohammadan Assembly which are beyond intellect. Only the power of Divine love can raise a common Muslim to the level of a believer (Mumin). As a Muslim declares the Islamic creed just verbally while a Mumin believes in Allah with the verification of soul. Moreover, only the Divine love converts a seeker of carrion world into the seeker of Allah. Without the Divine love, it is impossible to recognize the Truth. As Mian Mohammad Bakhsh rightly said in the following verse;
جنہاں عشق خرید نہ کیتا عیویں آ بھگتے
عشق باہجھ محمد بخشا کیا آدم کیا کتے
Meaning: Those, who have not experienced the Divine love in this world live a useless and a total wasteful life. As, without the Divine love, there is no difference between man and dog.
Earlier this greatest blessing of Divine love was limited to the specially chosen Saints. Now Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen, due to his ultimate beneficence has made it common. Thus, the doors are open for those who wish to have this blessing, otherwise Allah needs none.
Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman is the revival of true Mohammadan religion and is spreading its real soul Faqr in the world. Therefore, to acknowledge his great efforts in this regard, Mohammadan Assembly bestowed him with the title of ‘Shabeeh-e-Ghaus-e-Azam’. This title means, ‘The Reflection of al-Ghawth al-Azam’ or ‘The Living Portrait of al-Ghawth al-Azam’. This title encompasses and represents his struggle for guidance of the Muslim nation and for vivifying the soul of Islam. Many of his disciples were informed about this title esoterically during the 2017 death anniversary of Pir Sayyid Mohammad Abdullah.
Few of these disciples are Abdullah Iqbal, Husnain Mehboob, Abdul Rehman, Nasir Hameed, Mohammad Moghees Afzal and Mohammad Yasin. They also witnessed that Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani himself conferred this title upon Sultan Mohammad Najib ur Rehman. Any spiritual observation gets confirmed when many disciples witness it simultaneously.
Not only the male disciples but a female disciple Rohina Basharat was also informed of the same title during dawat in these words “Your spiritual guide is the Shabeeh-e-Ghaus-e-Azam”.
Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman is the revival of true Mohammadan religion and is spreading its real soul Faqr in the world. Therefore, to acknowledge his great efforts in this regard, Mohammadan Assembly bestowed him with the title of ‘Shabeeh-e-Ghaus-e-Azam’. This title means, ‘The Reflection of al-Ghawth al-Azam’ or ‘The Living Portrait of al-Ghawth al-Azam’. This title encompasses and represents his struggle for guidance of the Muslim nation and for vivifying the soul of Islam. Many of his disciples were informed about this title esoterically during the 2017 death anniversary of Pir Sayyid Mohammad Abdullah.
Few of these disciples are Abdullah Iqbal, Husnain Mehboob, Abdul Rehman, Nasir Hameed, Mohammad Moghees Afzal and Mohammad Yasin. They also witnessed that Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani himself conferred this title upon Sultan Mohammad Najib ur Rehman. Any spiritual observation gets confirmed when many disciples witness it simultaneously.
Not only the male disciples but a female disciple Rohina Basharat was also informed of the same title during dawat in these words “Your spiritual guide is the Shabeeh-e-Ghaus-e-Azam”.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen's Efforts to Spread Faqr
The greatest wish of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen has been that Allah may grant him the honour to serve His religion Islam. Just like He granted this honour to al-Ghawth al-Azam Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani. As he gave new life to the religion and saved it from further deterioration in his age. Thus, to fulfill this wish, Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman worked hard day and night. He took revolutionary steps to spread the real soul of Islam i.e. Faqr in the world. For this purpose, he used every possible medium of preaching like religious gatherings, speeches and lectures and social media. He also did literary work such as monthly magazine, websites, translations and exegesis of the books of earlier Saints. Additionally, he took preaching tours all around the country, recorded audios and videos, so on and so forth.
Trained Disciples to Spread Faqr
Not only he set the foundation of Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr and its various departments but also trained his amateur disciples. Thus, instead of hiring professionals, the disciples run these departments. He first purifies the innerselves of the disciples. Then grants them the spiritual enlightenment and insight required to execute the responsibilities of their department. Moreover, he spiritually grants them the pure intention needed to do the work of religion selflessly only to please Allah. Above all, he teaches the lesson to do everything according to the will of Allah. It is not easy to spread the true soul of Islam in this materialistic age where sectarianism is common. Also, now people give more importance to the superficial aspects of religion than the spiritual ones. Even then, Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman made the best of his efforts to achieve his objective despite facing hard opposition.
Spreading Faqr Around the Globe
It is only due to his efforts that Faqr is now spreading in the whole world. In fact, people from all around the world are taking oath of allegiance at his sacred hands. After getting the message of Faqr online, people are approaching him to get his beneficence. Thus, those wandering in search of true religion have now gotten their destination. It seems as if the time has approached when the poet Iqbal’s following prediction will come true;
اب تیرا دور بھی آنے کو ہے اے فقرِ غیور
کھا گئی روحِ فرنگی کو ہوائے زر و سیم
Explanation: The soul or inward of the Muslims who were on the footsteps of the Europeans has been completely destroyed by the riches and wealth of this world. O honourable Faqr! Now your time is about to come. As the shattered souls of these Muslims can only find peace in the true soul of Islam.
After adorning the throne of Divine guidance and persuasion, Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman worked very hard. It is absolutely fair to say that he has done the work of three centuries in just thirteen years. Certainly, this work would prove enough for coming three centuries. No doubt, he is perfectly on the footsteps of the greatest of all Saints, al-Ghawth al-Azam Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani. Thus, deserves to be called his living example and reflection.
Reviver of the Era
As stated in the following Hadith;
عن ابو ہریرہ عن رسول اللّٰہ صلی اللّٰہ علیہ وآلہٖ وسلم اِنَّ اللّٰہَ یَبْعَثُ لِھٰذِہِ الْاُمَّۃِ عَلٰی رَأسِ کُلِّ مِائَۃِ سَنَۃٍ مَنْ یُجَدِدْ لَھَا دِیْنَھَا
Meaning: Abu Huraira reported that the Holy Prophet said; “Surely Allah would raise up a person in this nation at the advent of every century. Who shall revive its religion for it. (Sunan Abu Dawud, Hadith #4291)
Al-Ghawth al-Azam Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani was the reviver of Islam of his era. He was born in 470 Hijri i.e. 1078 A.D. Later, in 521 Hijri (1128 A.D.) he acceded to the throne of Divine guidance and persuasion. Then, he appeared as the reviver and reformer of religion. It was the start of century according to Islamic calendar as well as the Gregorian calendar. Similarly, Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman acceded to the throne of Divine guidance and persuasion in December 2003 A.D. (1424 Hijri). So, it was the start of century according to the Islamic calendar as well as the Gregorian calendar. Al-Ghawth al-Azam appeared as the reviver and reformer of Islam at the advent of second millennium. While his reflection Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman appeared as the reviver and reformer of Islam at the advent of third millennium.
Grandeur of al-Ghawth al-Azam per Sultan Bahoo
Sultan Bahoo described the grandeur of al-Ghawth al-Azam Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani in the following words;
During his life, al-Ghawth al-Azam Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani, the beloved of Allah, had been granting spiritual beneficence. He granted Divine benedictions to his five thousand disciples and seekers everyday. Thus, elevating them to the level of immortal Mystic, after purifying from infidelity and disbelief. Moreover, he blessed three thousand among them with the Divine presence. Hence, drowning them in the observation of Oneness of الَّا اللّٰہ ‘None but Allah’. Such that these three thousand seekers reached the level of اِذَا تَمَّ الْفَقْرُ فَھُوَ اللّٰہ. This is the level of; ‘When Faqr is accomplished that is Allah’. Besides, he blessed the remaining two thousand with the presence of the Mohammadan Assembly.
Indeed, only Sarwari Qadri way has this kind of spiritual beneficence. As in this way the perfect spiritual guide blesses the seeker with the Divine presence by his spiritual attention. Moreover, he grants the invocation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat and Islamic creed. As mentioned before, only Sarwari Qadri way has such passion, generosity, contemplation and authority. Additionally, the Sarwari Qadri spiritual guides transfer it from one (spiritual heir to) another. In this manner, it will never stop until the Doomsday. In short, it is like the brightest sun which benefits and enlightens the whole world. (Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan)
Blessing the seekers with Divine presence
The Sarwari Qadri spiritual way of Divine presence approached Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen transferring from one Sarwari Qadri spiritual guide to another. Then, he also blessed, and is still blessing, thousands of his disciples with the Divine love. Thus, eliminating the love of world from their inward and elevating them to the highest spiritual stations of Divine vision. Moreover, he granted seekers with the presence of the Mohammadan Assembly after inward purgation following the footsteps of al-Ghawth al-Azam.
This is the materialistic age where one hardly finds the true seekers of Allah. However, Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman converted thousands of seekers of the world and hereafter to the seekers of Allah. He did so just by his effective spiritual glance and the benediction of invocation and contemplation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat. Like al-Ghawth al-Azam, he also vivifies the soul and gives it the power to converse with Allah. However, the only condition is that the seeker should be true, not a hypocrite, liar or deceitful. Indeed, it is not less than a miracle in this age. In short, Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman is blessed with the title of Shabeeh-e-Ghaus-e-Azam also because of his such miraculous powers.
Life of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen resembles life of al-Ghawth al-Azam
Undoubtedly, the life pattern of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen also resembles to a great extent with that of al-Ghawth al-Azam. As his life is also full of struggle like the life of Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani. Following are some of his life similarities with al-Ghawth al-Azam:
- The spiritual experiences of his mother when she was bearing him.
- His attractive and illuminating existence since birth, predictions of Fuqara about him during his childhood.
- Working hard to earn livelihood since young age due to poverty.
- Being favourite of the teachers due to extraordinary intelligence.
- Starting the mystic struggle to find the Truth in early age and becoming firstly attached with al-Ghawth al-Azam spiritually during the mystic struggle.
- Gaining the invocation of beautiful names of Allah as well as the inspirational knowledge from him.
- Searched for the spiritual guide on the order of al-Ghawth al-Azam.
- Spent very short period in the company of spiritual guide (only five years).
- The struggle to revive and reform Islam after adorning the throne of Divine guidance and persuasion.
- Also, faced the same materialism, sectarianism and religious deterioration that existed in the age of al-Ghawth al-Azam.
- Last but not the least, his struggle to end the aforementioned evils.
In short, the entire pattern of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s life follows the pattern of al-Ghawth al-Azam’s life. Even his inward and spiritual endeavour is extremely arduous and similar to him. Regarding this, he states;
“If a mountain had to face the trails which I went through then it would have been crushed into particles.
Spiritual Observation of a Disciple
In the aforementioned context, a spiritual observation of one of his female disciples Anila Yasin is worth mentioning. She tells;
One day I recited dawat and got the presence of the Mohammadan Assembly spiritually. There, I observed with my open eyes that al-Ghawth al-Azam has blessed me with his presence. Then he said about our spiritual guide Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman;
“He is priceless. Certainly, world is not aware of his spiritual status and level.” Further, he added, “He is me and I am he. Whoever will follow him, will indeed be blessed with success.”
The title Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen depicts the inward and real attribute of Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman. While Shabeeh-e-Ghaus-e-Azam depicts his outward and scholarly attribute. Like the inward title of Husayn ibn Ali is ‘Imam al-Ashiqaan’ meaning ‘The Leader of Divine lovers’. However, his outward title is ‘Sayyid al-Shuhada’, which means ‘The Master of martyrs’.
Only time will reveal more signs to further verify that Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman is certainly the reflection of al-Ghawth al-Azam.
Sultan-ul-Faqr VI conferred his beloved spiritual heir with the title of ‘Aftab-e-Faqr’ which means ‘The Sun of Faqr‘. As he has made immense efforts to spread Faqr in the world. Undoubtedly, he is the sun of Faqr which is spreading its light in the whole world. This exactly is the interpretation of his mother’s dream which she saw while bearing him. It is only due to his efforts that Faqr is not hidden now, rather is rising like the sun. Thus, enlightening the dark world. We know that the sun gives light and energy to every living thing without discrimination. Similarly, Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman grants the beneficence of Faqr to every seeker who comes to him with true intention. Said another way, he grants guidance about the right path without the discrimination of caste, creed, sect or nationality.
The fortunate disciple who was esoterically informed of this title of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen is Mrs. Ambreen Moghees.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen is that light about whom Sultan Bahoo mentioned in his books
Sultan Bahoo writes the following in his famous book Risala Roohi Sharif;
“The Holy Prophet (pbuh) has called me ‘Mustafa Sani and Mujtaba Aakhir Zamani’ with his pearl divulging tongue.”
Both the titles ‘Mustafa’ and ‘Mujtaba’ mean ‘the chosen and the desired one’. But these titles are specific for the Holy Prophet. However, he himself blessed Sultan Bahoo with the titles of Mustafa Sani (Mustafa the second) and Mujtaba Aakhir Zamani (Mujtaba of the last era). These titles are in fact a symbolic reference. When the evil practices will become common in the Muslims then Sultan Bahoo’s teachings will be the light of righteousness. Moreover, a special person from his spiritual order will promote his teachings. Thus, he will guide people on the right path according to his teachings. Further, Sultan Bahoo will spiritually support that person. As he himself will not be physically alive in the last era.
Efforts of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen to spread Sultan Bahoo's teachings
Sultan Bahoo highlighted this fact in the following words. These words have been passed on from generation to generation:
“(An era will arrive) when the ignorance will prevail, and falsehood will overcome the Truth. Then there would be a variety of sects and groups. Moreover, every sect would consider only itself on the right path and all the others as depraved ones. Further, people would hesitate to talk against the wrong sects. Thus, those falsely claiming to have the spiritual knowledge will disguise themselves as Saints. Consequently, occupy the seats of shrines to plunder wealth by looting people. Then the fountains of the Divine light will start showering from my shrine.”
Here the term ‘fountains of Divine light’ refers to his valuable teachings of Faqr. As it shall bring out the people of this age from darkness towards the light of guidance. Hence, in this world of chaos, the only source of righteousness will be Sultan Bahoo. Said another way if the Muslim nation ever find guidance, it will be through the teachings of Sultan Bahoo. As a person of similar exalted spiritual status from his order will promote his teachings. Moreover, he would be the one who will revive the true spirit of Islam.
In the following verses, Sultan Bahoo says:
چڑھ چناں تے کر رُشنائی، ذکر کریندے تارے ھُو
گلیاں دے وِچ پھرن نمانے، لعلاندے ونجارے ھُو
Meaning: O my enlightened moon of Faqr, you must rise soon and enlighten the world. As up until now darkness has overcome this moon. The seekers of Allah are wandering in search of the Divine Truth in this age of falsehood. Thereby waiting for a true guide like you. Whenever they try to seek knowledge about the path of Truth from some guide, they discover him masked with deception. So, they are waiting for a true guide like you who will take the nation to the right path.
چڑھ چناں تے کر رُشنائی، تارے ذکر کریندے تیرا ھُو
تیرے جیہے چن کئی سے چڑھدے، سانوں سجناں باجھ ہنیرا ھُو
جتھے چن اساڈا چڑھدا، اوتھے قدر نہیں کجھ تیرا ھُو
Meaning: O enlightened moon of Faqr! Rise soon and fill this dark and evil world with the Divine light. As, the seekers and true believers of Allah are desperately waiting for you. Hundreds of fake moons (fraud guides and their fake ways) have risen and deceived the nation claiming to be you. But without your luminosity there is darkness everywhere. When our real moon will appear, the fake moons will disappear, resultantly these fraud guides will run away. Here, the true moon refers to the perfect spiritual guide of Sarwari Qadri order. Indeed, he is the true and complete manifestation of the Divine Essence.
Verily, Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman is the sun as well as the moon of Faqr which gives light in the dark. Moreover, he is the ‘fountain of Divine light’. As he is the person who is promoting the teachings of Sultan Bahoo in this age of depravity. For the first time in history, his organization Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr is translating the books of Sultan Bahoo in English along with Urdu. Thus, promoting them in the whole world through internet, websites, social media posts of his sayings and many other ways. Hence proved that undoubtedly, he entitles to be called “Mustafa Sani and Mujtaba Aakhir Zamani’.
A female disciple Shazia Tabassam Sarwari Qadri has described the titles of Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman beautifully in these verses;
عاشقاں دا او سلطان سدیوے
فقر دا او آفتاب دسیوے
شبیہ او غوث الاعظم وکھیوے
سچا راہ سلطان محمد والا، جس وچ ربّ لبھیوے
Meaning: People call him as the Sultan of Divine lovers and he appears as the Sun of Faqr. Additionally, he looks like the perfect living portrait of al-Ghawth al-Azam. The right path is verily that of Sultan Mohammad through which a true seeker can find Allah.
Khadim Sultan-ul-Faqr
Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman himself named him ‘Khadim Sultan-ul-Faqr’. The literal meaning of this title is ‘The slave of Sultan-ul-Faqr’. He gave himself this title out of his respect, love and devotion towards his spiritual guide Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali.
Ahmad bin Hanbal said, “I requested Fazeel bin Ayaz to give me some advice. He said, “Become a Khadim (slave) rather than a Makhdoom (ruler). As becoming a Khadim is a matter of dignity.” (Tazkirat-ul-Auliya)
This title remained the part of Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman for about thirteen years after the death of his spiritual guide.
Khadim Sultan-ul-Faqr
Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman himself named him ‘Khadim Sultan-ul-Faqr’. The literal meaning of this title is ‘The slave of Sultan-ul-Faqr’. He gave himself this title out of his respect, love and devotion towards his spiritual guide Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali.
Ahmad bin Hanbal said, “I requested Fazeel bin Ayaz to give me some advice. He said, “Become a Khadim (slave) rather than a Makhdoom (ruler). As becoming a Khadim is a matter of dignity.” (Tazkirat-ul-Auliya)
This title remained the part of Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman for about thirteen years after the death of his spiritual guide.
Sultan-ul-Zakireen is the attributive title of Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman. It is associated to his marvel that he grants all his disciples the invocation of Sultan-ul-Azkar. Sultan-ul-Azkar is the king of invocations ‘Hoo’ and Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen grants it instantly on taking oath of allegiance from his disciples. Sultan-ul-Zakireen means ‘Sultan of those who invoke the king of invocations Hoo’.
When a Muslim seeks closeness of Allah, he can acquire it only by doing the invocation of name of Allah. As, only the invocation of Allah grants satisfaction to the soul by taking it close to Allah. In the following verse from sura ar-Ra’ad Allah says;
اَلَا بِذِکْرِ اللّٰہِ تَطْمَئِنُّ الْقُلُوْبُ
Meaning: Surely the souls find peace in the invocation of Allah. (13:28)
Of all the names of Allah, the invocation of Allah’s personal name i.e. Ism-e-Allah Zaat is the greatest of invocation. As the Holy Prophet said;
طَلْبُ الْخَیْرَ طَلْبُ اللّٰہِ وَ ذِکْرُ الْخَیْرِ ذِکْرُ اللّٰہِ
Meaning: The best desire is the desire of Allah and the best invocation is the invocation of اللّٰہ (Allah).
Stages of Ism-e-Allah Zaat
There are four stages of invocation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat; اَللّٰہُ (AllaHoo), لِلّٰہ (Lillah), لَہٗ (LaHoo) and ھُو (Hoo). The invocation of (Hoo) is the final and greatest invocation and called the king of invocations. As Allama ibn Arabi says;
Hoo is the most elevated and the ultimate invocation of the Mystics. (Al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya Vol-II Chp 5)
Further, Sultan Bahoo says;
از قبرِ باھوؒ ”ھُو” برآید حق بنام
ذاکراں را انتہا ”ھُو” شد تمام
Meaning: The sound of “Hoo” ever raises from the grave of Bahoo as ‘Hoo’. Indeed, it is the final invocation of the veritable invokers.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen also says about the invocation of ‘Hoo’:
On the night of Miraj, at the boundary of the realm of Divinity (Lahoot), the angel Gabriel said to the Holy Prophet, “If I cross the boundary of alam al-Jabrut (the realm of power) and enter alam al-LaHoot, I would be burnt. From here, you continue your journey alone.” Hence, the vision of Allah is possible in alam al-LaHoot (the realm of Divinity). However, only humans can have the honour of entering it. Moreover, it is possible only by the invocation of Hoo. (Shams-ul-Fuqara)
The only Spiritual Guide to Grant Invocation of 'Hoo'
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman is the only spiritual guide in the world who grants the king of invocations Hoo. He grants it to every disciple immediately on taking oath of allegiance from him. Further, he is the one who made the invocation of Hoo common. Before him, all the Sarwari Qadri spiritual guides granted this final invocation only to a few chosen seekers of Allah. Only after they had crossed the previous three stages. The disciples got the spiritual beneficence of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen after gaining king of invocations from him. Moreover, they witnessed the invocation of Hoo continued in their every breath. Therefore, on receiving this blessing they gave him the title of ‘Sultan-ul-Zakireen’. As Sultan Bahoo says,
کسے بس ذکر گوید ھُو ہویدا
وجودش می شود زاں نور پیدا
Meaning: When one does the invocation of Hoo then Hoo manifests in his being. Consequently, the light of Hoo reflects from his whole existence.
The Mohammadan Assembly spiritually informed one of the earliest disciples of Sultan ul Ashiqeen, Nasir Hameed about another title of Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman during his presence at the shrine of Sayyid Abdullah Shah on 21st January 2017. The dweller of the shrine revealed that ‘Aftab-e-Faqr’ is his title in the heavens while ‘Shan-e-Faqr’ is on earth. This title means; ‘The Glory of Faqr‘ i.e. from the heavens till the nether regions acknowledge his grandeur. During dawat Sayyid Abdullah Shah also informed Nasir Hameed the reason of this title. Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman has manifested the glory of Sarwari Qadri order and all its spiritual leaders. Earlier this glory was concealed from the world, that is why all the spiritual leaders are very pleased with him. Thus, as a reward they have unanimously bestowed the title of Shan-e-Faqr upon him.
Reason of Entitlement
As mentioned before, the spiritual leaders of Sarwari Qadri order who came after Sultan Bahoo had kept themselves concealed. Neither were they known in the world, nor people were aware of their grandeur. However, Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman took great steps to make them known in the world. For this purpose, he used the medium of books, speeches, websites and social media. When Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman took upon himself the responsibility of spreading Faqr, the conditions prevailing in the world were not at all favourable for it. Apparently Faqr was not strong enough to dominate the unfavourable conditions. Still, he prudently took measures to make it strong as well as easily acceptable and accessible. Thus, to the seekers of Allah he presented its reality attractively. In short, the Mohammadan Assembly titled him Shan-e-Faqr on taking Faqr to the glory in this material world which it truly deserves.
One of the many proofs of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen being the reflection of al-Ghawth al-Azam is the number of beautiful titles bestowed upon him. As al-Ghawth al-Azam also had many titles such as Mohiyuddin, Pir Dastgeer, Al-Baz Al-Ashhab and many more. No doubt, collection of such grandeurs in the entity of Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman is the sign of a great spiritual revolution.
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