Sultan-ul-Faqr V Sultan Bahoo did not find any such seeker in his life to whom he could transfer the Divine Trust. Hence, he left this mortal world without transferring it to anyone. Then, Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him), sent Sayyid Mohammad Abdullah Shah from his sacred court. He reached the shrine of Sultan Bahoo on Monday, 12th Rabi al-awwal, 1241 H i.e. October 24, 1825. Hence, after approximately one hundred- and thirty-nine-years Sultan Bahoo transferred the Divine Trust of Faqr.
Order of Transference of Divine Trust After Sultan Bahoo
By the decision from the Mohammadan Assembly, the transference of Trust from Sultan Bahoo proceeded in the following manner;
From Sayyid Mohammad Abdullah Shah the Trust transferred to Pir Mohammad Abdul Ghafoor Shah. Who further transferred it to Sultan Pir Sayyid Mohammad Bahadur Ali Shah. Later, he transferred this Trust to Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz. Finally, from him it came to Sultan-ul-Faqr VI Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali.
Additionally, the Mohammadan Assembly decided that at Sultan-ul-Faqr VI, Faqr would be perfected and accomplished. Then it would return to the authority of Faqr, the Holy Prophet, who will transfer the Divine Trust once again. In the same pattern as Sultan Bahoo transferred to Sayyid Mohammad Abdullah Shah.
The Clue of Sultan-ul-Faqr VI on Transference of Trust
Sultan-ul-Faqr VI Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali also gave a clue of this decision in 1998. It happened as in 1997 he had his second marriage. Then in the start of 1998 the good news came that his second wife was expecting a baby. Sultan-ul-Faqr VI declared that the child born to her would be an accomplished Saint by birth. He said,
“I would also call him respectably by the title of ‘Hazrat Sahib’. And Allah will grant the wish made while kissing his hands or feet. His birth would remove all the darkness from the world.”

Trial of the Disciples
In fact, Sultan-ul-Faqr’s clue was a great trail of the seekers and disciples but only a few succeeded in it. He said the mentioned words only once. Then he never repeated them but it started a new discussion among the circle of disciples. Everyone started talking about the new born Saint. For instance; the birth of new Saint would change the whole scenario. Also, the condition of all the disciples and workers of the Islahi Jamat would improve to the best. Moreover, he would bring revolution in the country and world. Not only that, some even declared that he would be the Sultan-ul-Faqr VII. In short, the entire nine months passed in hot discussions and predictions. The attention of most disciples of Sultan ul Faqr VI diverted from their spiritual guide towards the coming baby.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen's views about the expected Saint
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman had newly taken the oath of allegiance. A fellow disciple asked his views about the expected Saint. He replied, “Brother! Most important thing is that a disciple should follow only one spiritual guide. Secondly, I have found my spiritual guide Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali after extreme struggle and search. Whatever is my destiny, I would get from him only. For me, everyone other than my spiritual guide is a stranger. I am forty years old now; the new born baby would take years to appear as a Saint. Who knows I would remain alive by then or not! So, for me, my spiritual guide is sufficient, I do not need anyone else.”
Reason of Trial
Actually, Sultan-ul-Faqr VI Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali was testing his disciples and seekers. He wanted to see who among them turn away from their spiritual guide. Then start expecting the fulfillment of their objectives from the new Saint. Thus, disregarding their spiritual guide’s accomplished and supreme status. Also, who among them were truly sincere and kept their attention focused upon their spiritual guard. And who did not pay any heed to the new coming Saint. As, the true seeker never turns his attention away from his spiritual guide towards anyone else.
At last, through this test, Sultan-ul-Faqr VI separated his true disciples and sincere seekers of Allah from the imperfect disciples. The seeker who wayward were actually the seekers of the worldly wishes who claimed to be the seekers of Allah.
Result of the Trial
Then, it happened as predicted by Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman. On 12th October 1998 (20th Jumada ath-thani 1419 H), a daughter was born to Sultan ul Faqr VI, instead of son. He was present at the house of Mohammad Ilyas in Daroghawala, Lahore. In fact, Mohammad Ilyas was the one who gave the news of new born daughter to Sultan ul Faqr VI.
That news was like a bomb blast for the people whose attention had diverted from their spiritual guide. As they were waiting for some perfect Saint who would be their salvager. For the entire period of expectancy, they had created an upheaval in the circle of disciples. Moreover, they were so stubborn upon their stand that no one could dare to oppose them. Indeed, 12th October 1998 was a painful day for them.
As a result, among them, some people were having chest pain and others were depressed. Out of shock, some disciple’s face was dark as night and needed a place to hide. Certainly, such disciple’s faith confiscated. Most likely, many of them were the slave of their desires and apostatized.
The Remark of Sultan-ul-Faqr VI on Transference of Faqr
On the birth of a girl, Sultan-ul-Faqr VI first of all called Saad Ameer Khan Niazi (late) in his room. He told him, “The Trust has been shifted to the big house.”
After a long period, Saad Ameer Khan Niazi started explaining this sentence for some particular objectives that the ‘big house’ referred to the house (or family) of Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali’s first wife. While, Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman concluded different from it. Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen said the ‘big house’ referred to the sacred household of the Holy Prophet. As the Holy Prophet Himself is Faqr. In short, Faqr is from him and he has complete authority over Faqr. The Holy Prophet grants Faqr to whomsoever he considers capable.
Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali never supported Saad Ameer Khan Niazi’s point of view. After Saad Ameer Khan Niazi, Sultan-ul-Faqr VI called Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen in the room, another disciple Sajid Hussain was also with him. He said to them, “The Trust has been shifted somewhere else.”
This incident supports the argument that Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali was on the footstep of Sultan Bahoo. That is why after him the Divine Trust returned back to Prophet Mohammad. Just like Sultan Bahoo, Sultan-ul-Faqr VI had also been searching his spiritual confidant for twenty years. From April 1981-2001, he could not find a true Divine seeker who was eligible enough to receive the Divine Trust. And in return absolve him from his responsibility of the transference of the Trust. Although, for this purpose, he worked extremely hard on the spiritual training of all his disciples.
On April 13th, 1981, Sultan ul Faqr VI Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali ascended the throne of Divine guidance and persuasion. On February 27th, 1989, he set the foundation of Islahi Jamat to spread the teachings of Faqr. The main aim was to invite the seekers of Allah towards spiritual elevation after purgation of soul. Till 1994 he diligently enlightened the polluted inwards of the people with the Divine light through the teachings of Faqr. Then, he started presenting the selected seekers in the court of Prophet Mohammad in the following order:
The first Umrah of Sultan-ul-Faqr VI
Sultan-ul-Faqr VI initially spent fourteen years of hard work upon the spiritual training of the seekers of Allah. Then on 20th Ramadan, 1415 H (February 20th till March 3rd, 1995), he went for his first Umrah. On this sacred journey, along with his family members, he also took some selected seekers of Allah. He reached Madina from Makkah after performing Umrah (pilgrimage to Makkah performed in days other than the Hajj days). Then he presented those selected seekers in the Holy Prophet’s court for selection. Sadly, all of them had worldly desires and appeals instead of the love for Allah. Therefore, The Holy Prophet approved none of them. This was a major setback for Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali. Eventually, this made him suffer from various diseases like diabetes and hypertension etc.
Second Umrah
The next year on 20th Ramadan, 1416 H (February 10th till March 2nd, 1996), he again went for Umrah. This year again he took selected disciples and seekers of Allah along with him. Like before, he reached Madina after offering his Umrah and presented the selected seekers in the court of Prophet Mohammad. However, nobody among them could achieve the merit set by the Holy Prophet.
Third Umrah
Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali again blessed the selected seekers of Allah with spiritual education and training for a whole year. Then, he went for offering his third Umrah on 20th Ramadan, 1417 H. (January 30th till February 20th, 1997). Following the same pattern, after performing Umrah he reached Madina. Here, he presented those selected seekers in front of the Holy Prophet for the third time. Again, per the holy assembly of Prophet no one among them was capable of reaching the extreme station of Faqr.
After that, he postponed the idea of performing Hajj or Umrah. Until he had found and perfectly trained the real and true spiritual confidant.
Two Selected Individuals
Later, Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali selected two individuals from Pakistan. He also gave exoteric succession to one of them. The other one was the ruler of the country at that time. Unfortunately, both of them could not meet the merit even before presentation in the court of Prophet Mohammad. The ruler did not pay any heed to Faqr. On the other hand, the other person could not even handle his exoteric succession. Thus, the later proved his inability to protect the inward succession and the Divine Trust.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen's Bayat at the hands of Sultan-ul-Faqr VI
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen reached the holy court of Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali on April 12th, 1998 (Dhul al-Hijjah 14th, 1418 H). They recognized each other as the lover and the beloved. Thereafter, his slavery became the sole purpose of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s life. Thus, he devoted each moment of his life to serve his spiritual guide. Due to the intense love for his spiritual guide, Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman annihilated in him completely. Rather, he became his spiritual guide’s complete essence and reflection.
From 1998 till 2001, Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali made him pass through various inward and outward trials. By the grace of Allah and kindness of the spiritual guide, he met each and every trial successfully. When Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali had thoroughly tested his heir of the Divine Trust, he then intended to go for Hajj.
The Last Hajj of Sultan-ul-Faqr VI
On Wednesday February 28, 2001 Sultan-ul-Faqr VI went for Hajj with his newly selected seekers of Allah and three females. When they reached Jeddah, his health deteriorated and he became too weak to walk. All his diseases intensified such as diabetes, hypertension etc. Especially his problem of prostate gland became so unbearable that he had to urinate after every fifteen minutes. Those days he frequently recited the following poetic verse:
Explanation: No one knows when he will die. We carry the luggage of years to come. In fact, we do not even know what the next moment has in store for us.
Sultan-ul-Faqr VI Ordered to Buy a Shroud for Himself
On March 7th, in Makkah, Sultan-ul-Faqr VI ordered Sultan ul Ashiqeen to purchase a shroud for him. Also, he instructed to wash it with Zamzam water and touch it with the wall of Holy Kaaba. Then he added that he could need it anytime. This order shocked Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman beyond belief as his health condition was already very alarming. Sultan ul Ashiqeen greatly perturbed and was reluctant to buy the shroud. So, Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali ordered another disciple Haji Nawaz to buy it immediately. Hence, Haji Nawaz bought the shroud for him.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s Worry for the Health of his Murshid
The health condition of his beloved spiritual guide made Sultan Najib-ur-Rehman suffer from mental trauma. At all the holy places of Makkah, he prayed only for his Murshid. Such as, while offering prayer at Hateem, under the Meezab al-Rehmat and while embracing the Holy Kaaba. He also prayed near Multazim, during the Sa’ae (running ceremony) of Safa and Marwa, in Mina, Arafat and Muzdalifah. During Hajj, he constantly kept on repeating the same prayer over and over for his Murshid’s health. In fact, he presented his life to Allah to sacrifice it for his beloved spiritual guide. His condition was reminiscent of the words of Sultan Bahoo;
کیتی جان حوالے رب دے اساں ایسا عشق کمایا ھُو
Meaning: I proved the intensity of my love by sacrificing my life.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s Prayer During Hajj
During Hajj, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen had more or less the same prayer every moment. It was as follows:
“O Allah! My Lord! I do not know about the future. Apparently, the health condition of my spiritual guide reveals as if the last moments of his life are near. O Allah Almighty! I present the rest of my life before you. Grant my remaining life to my spiritual guide to lengthen the span of his life. Take my life instead of his. Indeed! You answer all the prayers. Also, it is Your promise that You would not reject any prayer asked in these holy places.
O Allah! Please give my life to my spiritual guide. And let him live till he appears as the religious reformer (Mujadid) of his era. So, he can end the sectarianism within the Muslim nation to unite them upon the true religion. Also, so that the infidels may be suppressed and the system of caliphate is re-established.”
Departure to Madina
Sultan-ul-Faqr VI along with his disciples performed Hajj on March 9th , 2001. According to the schedule, this group was going to departure for Madina on March 17th, 2001 after the night prayer. However, Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali was very impatient to reach Madina. He even asked his disciples Haji Mohammad Nawaz and Ahmed Bakhsh to try to depart for Madina before March 17th. But it was not possible, so the schedule remained unchanged. On the other hand, his condition also remained uncertain. It seemed as if he wanted to present some very important matter in the court of the Holy Prophet. His restlessness was increasing day by day and his health was deteriorating.
Arrival at Madina
Eventually, they reached Madina on March 18th , 2001. In Madina also, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen presented the same appeal before the Holy Prophet which had been his prayer in Makkah. The only difference was that in Makkah, he presented his life to Allah and in Madina to the Holy Prophet. He still persistently prayed to prolong his spiritual guide’s life.
Finally, on March 21st, 2001, the day came for which Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali had been waiting for twenty years. At last, the Holy Prophet had approved the person he had selected and presented for transferring the Divine Trust.
Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman recounts the moments of appearance at the tomb of Prophet Mohammad in these words;
It was the greatest honour and blessing for me. I was present at the tomb of the Holy Prophet along with my beloved spiritual guide Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali. March 21st, 2001 is an unforgettable day of my life. After the evening prayer all our companions got busy with their own jobs. Then, my spiritual guide and I was left alone. He decided to go to the tomb of the Holy Prophet with me. The door of Prophet’s mosque Bab al-Salam was heavily crowded and it was very difficult to pass through. I walked along, making way for him so that he would not have any difficulty while passing through the crowd.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen's Sentiments
My presence at the sacred tomb of Prophet Mohammad on that day is the most important event of my life. It felt as if the rain of Divine light and theophanies was showering on me. My eyes were all tears. We reached closer to the grill of the Holy Prophet’s tomb. Shortly, the wheel of the wheelchair of a man in front of us got stuck in the carpet. Therefore, the queue stopped moving ahead. Meanwhile, my beloved spiritual guide turned his face towards the tomb of the Holy Prophet. His sacred face was shining brighter than the moon. I looked at the tomb and then at his face turn by turn, indeed both were mesmerizing sights. Never have I ever viewed such an exquisite sight in my life. The beauty of that moment sent me into trance.
The Guard of Prophet's Tomb called 'Ya Shaikhun' to Sultan-ul-Faqr VI
My eyes were still intact at the beauty of this moment full of Divine theophanies. Concurrently, the guard standing near the tomb called the guard standing on the other side of the queues. He pointed towards my Murshid and said ‘Ya Shaikhun’. He wanted to tell the other guard that the queue had stopped because of this Shaikh. Allah be glorified! Even the guards called him ‘Shaikh’ (the perfect spiritual leader). When the guard advanced towards him, everyone around paused and looked at his Divine face in a state of trance. To me it felt like the time had ceased.
When the guard came closer, I held his hand and directed his attention towards the man in the wheelchair. The guard then noticed that the queue had stopped due to him. Instantly he adjusted the wheel of the chair and the queue started to move again. Then we reached near the tomb and prayed there for some time. My eyes were full of tears due to the over whelming aura.
Transference of Divine Trust
When we came out of the sacred tomb and then stood near Bab al-Jibrail (name of door at Prophet’s mosque). There I requested to his grace, “Hazoor! People have divided the Islamic world into various sects. The Muslims, especially the modernly educated ones, have deviated from the real Islam. Additionally, the infidels have united against Islam. Please bestow your kind favour and grace. So, the real soul of Islam may prosper in the world and the satanic hold ends.”
Then Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali looked into my eyes and said,
“I have found the confidant of my heart and soul.”
He meant that he had achieved his aim. There and then, he sated my inward with Divinity. Also, he bestowed his ultimate kindness and Divine favour upon me in the form of Divine Trust. Besides that, he also granted me the strength to keep it a secret.
Cheerfulness of Sultan-ul-Faqr VI after Transferring the Divine Trust
From that day onwards, his sacred face glowed with happiness and he regained health. It seemed as if all his diseases had disappeared. He said, “The purpose for which we came to the court of the Holy Prophet has been achieved. Hence, due to this great achievement, Allah has granted all the wishes of our companions. Even if they are wished for world or hereafter.”
Later, I witnessed this fact myself. Allah fulfilled all the desires for which my fellow disciples prayed during that Hajj.
After coming back to Pakistan, Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali became indifferent towards all his other responsibilities. Probably because he had had accomplished his mission now. He felt like Allah has relieved him of a huge responsibility.
(Sultan ul Faqr VI Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali-Life and Teachings)
After the approval from the sacred court of Holy Prophet, Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali started the spiritual training of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen. Now he was going to train him to hold the throne of Divine guidance and persuasion. Basically, this was both outward and inward training. Therefore, Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali passed him through more trails.
Order to Recite Dawat
During this training, Sultan-ul-Faqr VI devised a new way of conveying things to his spiritual confidant. Due to certain restrictions of the spiritual path and to keep secrecy, he could not physically tell him everything. Therefore, he ordered him to recite dawat at the shrine of Pir Bahadur Ali Shah. Precisely, dawat is a spiritual act to communicate with the sacred souls of shrines. While reciting dawat, he esoterically informed him of all the facts and matters. Later, on physical meeting with his spiritual confidant, Sultan-ul-Faqr VI would confirm the information given to him spiritually.
Sultan-ul-Faqr VI had his way of confirming the inward communication with Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen. On greeting and hand shaking, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen always used to kiss hands of his Murshid. Also, he used to meet him after reciting the dawat at the shrine of Pir Bahadur Shah. Therefore, as a sign of confirmation Sultan-ul-Faqr VI would press his hand a little while Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen held it for kissing.
Trial as the Chief Executive of Maktaba Al-Arifeen
On 19th November, 2001 (3rd Ramadan, 1422 H) Sultan-ul-Faqr VI made Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen the chief executive of the publication department Maktaba al-Arifeen. Earlier, this department had been working under the supervision of Saad Ameer Khan Niazi since 1994. It was a great trial and training. As Sultan Najib-ur-Rehman had to compete with the most experienced and skilled people of the organization. Some fellow disciples also tried to frighten him. By putting the seeker in big trials, the spiritual guide in fact intends to check his courage. It checks, whether he follows the orders of his spiritual guide in all conditions and succeeds. Or in other case if he becomes afraid of the obstacles and hardships. Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman performed this duty with great courage and wisdom.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s Success
On the Mawlid celebrations held on 12th and 13th April, 2002, Sultan Najib-ur-Rehman published his first book Haqeeqat Ism-e-Allah Zaat. This book got much applaud. Then, on the Urs (death anniversary) of Sultan Bahoo held on 14th August 2002, he published many new books. He also published poetry and biography of Sultan Bahoo, posters, pictures, calendars, etc. Sultan-ul-Faqr VI admired all his efforts. The September 2002 issue of the monthly magazine Mirat-ul-Arifeen mentions all his efforts of publications.
Extract from Mirat-ul-Arifeen
Below is the English translation of the extract from that magazine that outlines Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s efforts in publication department;
Maktaba al-Arifeen, the publication department of International Tanzeem al-Arifeen, is working hard day and night. The goal is to introduce the world with the grandeur of Sultan-ul-Faqr VI and the progress of Islahi Jamat. Its chief executive Najib-ur-Rehman presented newly published books and other articles to Sultan-ul-Faqr VI before displaying them. He displayed them for public at the stall set up on the occasion of Urs of Sultan Bahoo on 14th April.
The books included Murshid Kamil, Shan Sultan-ul-Faqr Maa Risala Roohi Sharif and Abyat-o-Sawaneh Hayat Hazrat Sultan Bahoo. Also, he included articles like posters, small pictures, key rings and calendars. Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali liked all things and appreciated the effort. (Page 45)
In short, Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman crossed all the obstacles of the way. He succeeded in this trail as the new department headed by him became famous all over. Ultimately, the old publication department lost its importance and was at last merged in the new department.
Trial as Patron in Chief
To spread the message of Faqr, Sultan-ul-Faqr VI laid the foundation of the organization “Islahi Jamat and International Tanzeem al-Arifeen”. In November 2001, he made Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman the patron in chief of Lahore office of his organization. Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali separated himself from all the matters of the organization. Although, he kept observing the performance of Sultan Najib-ur-Rehman quietly.
Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman commenced his work on the pattern set by his spiritual guide. It took him six months of extreme hard work to search. He prepared and train a group of preachers (called as Sadoor, singular Sadr). For this purpose, he selected some preferably unknown fellow disciples from Lahore. He rather chose the ones ignored by the previous heads of the organization. Then, he trained them on the basis of Tawhid (Divine Oneness). In one of his addresses, he encouraged them by saying,
“Everyone knows that you are not well known in the organization. You have to work hard just to please Allah selflessly and having complete trust in Him. Then Allah will surely bless you with success. Your job is just to invite people towards the gnosis of Allah and preach the true religion among masses. Matters of organization are the responsibility of the office holders of the organization.”
Not just the moral support but Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen also provided them with the best of atmosphere to work and self respect.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen's Unique way of Preaching
Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman adopted a unique and innovative method of preaching. He and his preachers visited shopping malls, markets and other crowded places rather than preaching only in mosques. The effective way of their preaching convinced a lot of people to follow the path of Faqr. Consequently, every week one or two buses full of devotees used to set from Lahore to meet Sultan-ul-Faqr VI. These devotees swore oath of allegiance (al-bayah) at the sacred hand of Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali. Also, they had the privilege of gaining the blessing of Ism-e-Allah Zaat.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen entitled this movement of preaching as ‘Tehreek Sultan-ul-Faqr’. The success of this movement inspired all the regional organizations in other cities to adopt the same method. Thus, the Islahi Jamat and Tanzeem al-Arifeen all over the country was practically united under Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s leadership.
Monthly magazine Mirat-ul-Arifeen, regularly published the activities of the Tehreek Sultan-ul-Faqr. We have given the translation of a few of them below;
♦ First Report- Success of the Organization
Before the annual Mawlid of the Holy Prophet (12-13 April 2002), Sultan-ul-Faqr VI reorganized the regional organization of Lahore. He appointed Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman Sarwari Qadri as its patron in chief.
♦ The Meeting
After the Mawlid, disciples decided that the organization would start its work following the pattern set by Sultan-ul-Faqr VI. They all had a new spirit and enthusiasm. For this purpose, they called a meeting, chaired by Najib-ur-Rehman Sarwari Qadri.
Firstly, the meeting started with the recitation of Quran. Then, the general secretary presented the agenda which focused upon working hard with new spirit. The goal was to practically execute the policy of the organization.
♦ Address of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen
Later in the meeting, the patron in chief Najib-ur-Rehman Sarwari Qadri addresses the meeting. He highlighted the following points in the meeting.
♦ Mission
Our mission is to invite people of the whole world towards Allah. Also, persuade them for having gnosis and closeness of Allah.
♦ Our job
Our main job is to follow the pattern set by our spiritual guide. According to that, the office holders of the organization will handle the matters of the organization. Also, their job will be to keep the preachers active. While, the job of preachers is only to invite people towards Allah. They must also persuade the seekers to have gnosis of Allah.
♦ Participation
It is important that all the fellow disciples and members should actively and whole heartedly participate in the organizational work. They should arrange the Mawlid ceremonies and invite the preachers in their areas for preaching.
♦ Point of Focus
Our success owes to the favour and kindness of our spiritual guide. Therefore, our focus of attention should be to seek kind favour of our spiritual guide. Try your best to persuade new people as well as the old disciples. Especially, the disciples who are not in touch with Murshid. Then, along with them visit the court of our spiritual guide Sultan-ul-Faqr VI once every fifteen days. Certainly, this will arise the passion to work hard for the organization in all the disciples.
♦ Donation
All the members and office holders of the organization will donate funds for central and regional needs. For this purpose, the regional head will circulate a letter to them.
♦ Spread the ideology of our Organization
Spread the literature published by Maktaba al-Arifeen and the magazine Mirat-ul-Arifeen. Indeed, this represents the ideology of our organization Tanzeem al-Arifeen. Spread awareness among more and more people. So that masses get beneficence from the teachings of Saints and get aware of our mission. Hence, the mission of Sultan-ul-Faqr VI accomplishes as soon as possible.
This meeting inspired a revolutionary spirit among all the disciples. Those who took least interest in the matters of organization got enthusiastic to work for the organization. They observed the passion and hard work of the members and preachers, hence everyone got active. At the least, everyone started introducing the spiritual guide Sultan-ul-Faqr VI and inviting people to have his spiritual beneficence. Indeed, that is the sign of a true disciple. Very soon, a lot of people got ready to have the privilege of meeting the spiritual guide. Also, many disciples presented themselves for organizational duties. Surely, the meeting was successful and the organization progressed speedily. People can easily judge this success from the last one and a half month’s performance. (Page 37-39)
Second Report- Arrangements to Meet Sultan-ul-Faqr VI
Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali was present at the shrine of Pir Bahadur Ali Shah for the Mawlid of Holy Prophet. A convoy of forty people set out on Friday, 24th May, in evening. Najib-ur-Rehman, the regional patron in chief of the Tanzeem al-Arifeen Lahore, himself made arrangements of the convoy. It comprised of an air-conditioned coach and four cars. The convoy arrived at the shrine at 2 a.m. Then, the regional fellows made the best arrangements for the stay of the members of convoy. They took rest at night and met Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali in the morning.
Fifteen companions took oath of allegiance at the hand of Sultan-ul-Faqr VI and gained Ism-e-Allah Zaat. Everyone spent the blessed day of Eid Mawlid-un-Nabi in the company of sacred spiritual guide. Later, the convoy left for Lahore after the Maghrib prayer (sunset salat or namaz) and arrived Lahore safely at midnight. (Page 39)
Third Report- the Grand Mawlid (Milad)
Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman, the regional patron in chief of Lahore office, held a grand Mawlid on Sunday, 2nd June 2002. He made the arrangements at the regional office of International Tanzeem Al-Arifeen at Education Town Lahore.
The Mawlid (Milad) ceremony started with the recitation of Holy Quran by the reciter named Mohammad Ramazan. Hafiz Mohammad Younas was the stage secretary. Mohammad Shahid Islam, Mohammad Ishfaq and some other fellows presented the eulogies. At last, Haji Mohammad Nawaz delivered a speech on the importance of love of the spiritual guide and his recognition. Afterwards, the management announced the departure of a special bus to meet Sultan-ul-Faqr VI. Instantly, forty fellows requested to reserve seats for that bus. (Page 40)
Fourth Report- Arrangement of another convoy to meet Sultan-ul-Faqr VI
On 8th June 2002, the Saturday night, a convoy consisting of 150 members set off for Uchali Soon Sakesar Valley. This convoy left from Education Town Lahore office of International Tanzeem al-Arifeen, at 11 p.m. The regional office holders of the organization were also along with this group. Once again, the regional patron in chief, Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman led the convoy.
Unexpectedly, the number of passengers had exceeded the number of seats in two air-conditioned buses. Many devotees were ready to travel all the way to Uchali without having the seat. Such was their love and passion to see Sultan-ul-Faqr VI. At last, the convoy reached Uchali, the next morning at 8 a.m.
The regional management had already made arrangements for the breakfast and stay of the convoy members. As soon as the convoy members had finished the breakfast, Sultan-ul-Faqr VI graced his special room. Then, the management took the members to the room to have the honour of meeting him. Thirty-five fellows took oath of allegiance and got the blessing of Ism-e-Allah Zaat.
Later, Najib-ur-Rehman presented the problems of some fellows before the spiritual guide for prayer and solution. He also presented fifteen companions for training as preachers. Afterwards, Sultan-ul-Faqr VI ordered to send them to Zamey Wala Kallur Kot for training. Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali praised the performance of Lahore organization. Then he appointed two devotees Mohammad Siddique from Jhelum and Waseem Haider from Uchali to work with the Lahore organization. (Page 41)
Fifth Report- Mawlid Ceremony at Daroghawala
On Sunday, 16th June, Najib-ur-Rehman held a Mawlid ceremony at the regional office of International Tanzeem al-Arifeen in Daroghawala Lahore. The gathering was after the Asr (afternoon) prayer till the Isha (night) prayer. Again, the regional patron in chief Najib-ur-Rehman presided over the ceremony.
Ceremony started with the recitation of Quran, then disciples presented encomiums in the holy court of Prophet Mohammad. Later, they also recited mystic poetry of Sultan Bahoo which enlightened the souls and warmed the hearts. Certainly, the beautiful sound of recitations attracted people from all around. A large crowd gathered and the courtyard of the office filled with people. Some people even stood in the street to hear the encomiums and poetry. At the end, Sahibzada Sultan Mohammad Moazzam Ali delivered an enlightening speech. The people of area highly applauded the ceremony.
Indeed, the success of ceremony was the result of the favour of spiritual guide. Moreover, the zeal and zest of the members of organization in making the event successful was also clearly visible. After the program, the management announced the departure of convoy to Uchali on 22nd June. Right away, fifteen fellows confirmed to join the convoy. (Page 41)
Sixth Report- the last convoy of June 2002
On 22nd June, an air-conditioned coach departed from Lahore to Uchali, at midnight with sixty devotees. At the same time another one departed from Sheikhupura with thirty devotees, to meet Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali. Eventually, both convoys joined at Kallar Kahar and continued the journey together. They reached Uchali at seven in the morning. After having the breakfast, the devotees had the honour of meeting Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali who blessed them very kindly. Twenty devotees took oath of allegiance at his sacred hand and got Ism-e-Allah Zaat. At 6 p.m. the convoy set off on the return journey under the supervision of Najib-ur-Rehman, the patron in chief.
Seventh Report- Applaud from People all over the Country
The people all over the country are appreciating the activities of Lahore office of International Tanzeem al-Arifeen. All the regional offices have showed interest to adopt their method of preaching and are contacting to learn it. First of all, the office of Sheikhupura decided to arrange such convoys. They have decided to take a convoy after every fifteen days or once a month following the same pattern. Hopefully, soon the organizational activities will progress in the entire country with new zeal. (Page 41)
As mentioned earlier, the method of preaching adopted by Lahore office under Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s supervision gained popularity in the entire country. It was all due to his extreme hard work and enthusiasm. Consequently, the devotees chosen by other regional offices were gathering at one platform. All the regional offices thus, practically united under his leadership. The August 2002 issue of monthly Mirat-ul-Arifeen magazine verifies that. The report of organizational activities published on page 44 of that magazine is as follows:
1. Applaud to the Lahore Office
The people from all over the country are praising the innovative method adopted by the regional office of Lahore. Certainly, their rules and measures for the progress of International Tanzeem al-Arifeen are admirable. Their devised rules and regulation to keep the workers active and mobile are feasible and worth following. Most importantly, notice their marketing strategy of Maktaba al-Arifeen and magazine Mirat-ul-Arifeen. Their preachers spread in the city and invite everyone to meet Sultan ul Faqr Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali. The way Lahore office has activated the preaching department and the successful results achieved by it are highly encouraging.
♦Method of Preaching
Normally, the preachers visit the markets and malls and begin with introducing the magazine, books and pamphlets. Then they give awareness about the grandeur of Sultan-ul-Faqr VI and invite people to gain Ism-e-Allah Zaat from him. The ones who respond to the invitation join the convoy, that leaves after every fifteen days to see Sultan-ul-Faqr VI. In this way, every fifteen days, forty to fifty people take oath of allegiance and have the Ism-e-Allah Zaat.
Moreover, they distribute thousand to fifteen hundred copies of Mirat-ul-Arifeen magazine in Lahore which represents the Tanzeem al-Arifeen. Surprisingly, just four groups of devotees from regional office of Lahore in Education Town do this great work. And a group consists of only two devotees. Indeed, the regional offices of other areas of the country congratulate Lahore office on this great achievement.
2. Training by the Lahore Office
The method of preaching adopted by the Lahore office has become very popular in the organization all over Pakistan. Now the devotees from other regions have shown interest to come to Lahore for training. The Lahore office is training the following devotees to become expert preachers;
Sabir Hussain from Talamba, Mohammad Akbar from Multan, Zahid Mehmood and Amjad Hussain from Sialkot. Mehr Sajid Hussain from Layyah and Mohammad Tariq from Jhelum have also contacted the Lahore office to get training.
In a few days, they will come to Lahore for marketing training. Also, Lahore office offered all other regional offices to send their preachers for training. Niaz Hussain from Bhakkar writes in his letter; “We are very happy at new activities and hard work of Lahore office of Tanzeem al-Arifeen. Following your method of preaching, we shall also continue the mission of our sacred spiritual guide in our area”. The regional patron in chief, Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman Sarwari Qadri said while thanking the heads of all other offices;
“All our efforts are to please our spiritual guide. Our real success is to make him happy and earn his favour. For those who appreciated our work, I earnestly consider that it owes only to the kindness of our spiritual guide. Surely, he made us the pioneer of this way of preaching.” (Page 44)
3. Meeting held by Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen
Instantly after the convoy retuned from Uchali, the patron in chief Najib-ur-Rehman called the meeting of preachers. The briefing of the meeting is:
Try to convince more and more people to take oath of allegiance at the hand of spiritual guide
Introduce the spiritual guide referring to his grand status of Sultan-ul-Faqr VI
Invite new devotees who show interest in the organizational activities to work for the organization. (Page 44)
The office holders of Lahore organization of Tanzeem al-Arifeen held a meeting which was presided over by Najib ur Rehman Sarwari Qadri. After the meeting they visited different units to mobilize and activate them further. Najib-ur-Rehman encouraged and persuaded other disciples to work unitedly in more organized and innovative way. He convinced them, “Hold Mawlid gatherings at your homes. Also, invite people to take oath of allegiance at the hand of our spiritual guide Sultan ul Faqr VI. Give regular lectures in your respective units. Certainly, your hard work will ensure success”. (Page 44-45)
4. Briefing of the 6th July Convoy
Najib ur Rehman planned a convoy to leave immediately after the Mawlid ceremony held on July 6th. All the members of the convoy had arrived to attend the Mawlid. The air-conditioned bus arrived at 11 p.m. and the convoy set out at 1 a.m. Undoubtedly, the spiritual Divine passion had intoxicated the travellers. Some of them started reciting eulogies which enhanced the fervor and love for Allah and His beloved Prophet. When the bus approached the shrine of Ahoo Bahoo, it started raining heavily. The wind was blowing hard and the travellers were enjoying the weather very much. Some companions started raising slogans of Allah ‘Akbar, Ya Rasool Allah, Haq Bahoo. It had stopped raining before the bus arrived at Naushehra. The weather was beautiful and the scenery was eye catching.
At eight in the morning, the convoy approached Bangla Haq Bahoo Uchali. Here all the travellers had breakfast and took rest till noon. After lunch, they met the spiritual guide Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali whose holy presence enlightened the inwards. He inquired everyone’s well being separately. Then, he took oath of allegiance from those who expressed the wish and granted them Ism-e-Allah Zaat. He blessed twenty persons with this grand Sultani beneficence. Afterwards, Najib-ur-Rehman took permission to leave and the convoy left for Lahore. (Page 45)
5. Another Meeting
Immediately after the convoy arrived at Lahore, Najib-ur-Rehman held a meeting of preachers. He addressed them;
♦ Daily Reporting
There will remain two preachers in each unit from where they will start marketing and inviting people. They will write their daily report in the register of the unit. This reporting will brief that how many magazines and other published materials they sold. Also, how many people they invited and how many of them were willing to take oath of allegiance. Moreover, they will also personally inform the patron in chief about it on phone. The incharges will record their daily performance in the register of the regional office of Tanzeem al-Arifeen at Education Town.
♦Check Daily Performance
The general secretary or I will follow up everyday. Our job will be to check the daily report of the teams that leave Lahore office for marketing and preaching. The more persons a preacher would prepare for taking oath of allegiance, the more he would deserve reward and praise.
♦ Record Keeping
Make sure to record of all the disciples who had already taken oath of allegiance. Note down their names, addresses and phone numbers.
6. Briefing of the 20th July Convoy
A convoy comprising of two air-conditioned buses left for Uchali from Lahore on Saturday 20th July, at midnight. The regional patron in chief Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman also supervised this group of disciples. Early morning, it stopped at Ahoo Bahoo shrine where they offered Fajr prayer (dawn salat). Then, Hafiz Mohammad Yunus delivered a speech regarding importance and grandeur of the spiritual guide. Certainly, the speech enhanced the enthusiasm of companions. The convoy then resumed the journey and reached Uchali at the residence of Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali at 8 a.m.
After reaching there, first the companions had breakfast. Immediately after that the spiritual guide Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali came and everyone had the honour of meeting him. He inquired all of them about their well being. Then, while appreciating the efforts of Najib-ur-Rehman, he said;
“This is a very good trend set by the Lahore office. In this way I can meet the disciples after every fifteen days”.
In short, he gave the clue that the disciples should visit their spiritual guide more often. As it increases love among them and the spiritual guide blesses the disciple more. Afterwards, twenty-seven fellows took oath of allegiance at his sacred hand and got the blessing of Ism-e-Allah Zaat. While twenty-five fellows got Ism-e-Allah Zaat without taking the oath. At the end of the day, all the companions met the spiritual guide, then Najib-ur-Rehman took permission to leave. Clearly, everyone was happy and contended.
7. Sheikhupura Patron in Chief followed the Foot-steps of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen
Mohammad Amin was the regional patron in chief of the organization of District Sheikhupura. Him, Mohammad Ramzan, the president and the general secretary Mohammad Imran called a special meeting on 22nd June. They held the meeting soon following their recent meeting with Sultan-ul-Faqr VI. In the meeting, they decided to send convoys of devotees following the trend of Lahore organization. Few days after the meeting, an air-conditioned bus left for Uchali from the Sheikhupura regional office at Bhikhi road. Precisely, this convoy included sixty devotees and left on Thursday, 11th July, to meet the spiritual guide. The bus reached the Ahoo Bahoo shrine via Kallar Kahar, here the travellers offered Fajr prayer. Then, they resumed the journey and reached Uchali at 8 a.m.
The devotees from Sheikhupura had the honour of offering Friday special prayer in congregation with Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali. After the prayer, they met him and he blessed all of them with his special kind attention. The fortunate ones took oath of allegiance at his sacred hands. While some had the Ism-e-Allah Zaat without taking oath of allegiance.
At six in the evening, the convoy started the return journey after taking permission from the spiritual guide. Mohammad Imran and Mohammad Abid supervised the convoy. Mohammad Shahbaz, Mohammad Riaz and Ghulam Murtaza went to Kallur Kot for training.
8. Patron in Chief of Jhung also followed the Foot-steps of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen
The regional office of District Jhung has also decided to follow the method of preaching adopted by the Lahore office. Patron in chief of International Tanzeem al-Arifeen, Jhung is reorganizing and remobilizing the units working in the city. For this purpose, first of all he organized the unit of Hussainabad. He made Mohammad Kamran as the supervisor and Fauji Mohammad Ameer the general secretary. They have brought a lot of improvement in the activities of their unit. Also, they arranged a grand Mawlid on 5th July. A lot of people attended the Mawlid ceremony. The preacher of Tanzeem al-Arifeen Mufti Mohammad Sarfaraz delivered an enlightening speech. In short, people of area appreciated all the hard work and arrangement of Mawlid.
Mawlid Ceremony in August
The annual Urs celebrations of Sultan Bahoo and Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz started from first Thursday of Jumada ath-thani . This was the month of August and devotees from all over the country arrived at the shrine for celebrations. On Saturday and Sunday, the sittings held where disciples recited encomiums and delivered speeches. This held at the sacred shrine of Sultan Abdul Aziz and presided over by Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali.
♦ Convoys to attend the Mawlid
Different regional offices had arranged convoys for the devotees to attend the celebrations of Urs. One bus from Sheikhupura and Gujranwala organization each, while five buses from Lahore organization arrived at the shrine. The first convoy left from Lahore office of Tanzeem al-Arifeen at Education Town on Saturday night at 1 a.m… Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman Sarwari Qadri supervised this convoy comprising of two air-conditioned buses. While, the second convoy comprising of three air-conditioned buses left on the midnight between Sunday and Monday. The general secretary supervised the second convoy.
Anyway, the convoys from Lahore had the privilege of visiting the shrine of Sultan Abdul Aziz and meeting Sultan-ul-Faqr VI. Thirty persons among them took oath of allegiance at his hands. He then granted them with Ism-e-Allah Zaat and its invocation.
The last sitting started on Monday morning at nine and reached the closing stage before the Dhuhr (noon) prayer. At the end, disciples recited Quranic verses and prayers. They also sent blessings and salutations upon the Holy Prophet. Finally, they served food after offering the congregational Dua. After offering Maghrib (sunset) prayer all the companions took permission to leave from the spiritual guide. Then, they joined their respective convoys and left for the return journey. (Page 45)
Spread the word of Sulan-ul-Faqr VI
Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman Sarwari Qadri gave a very inspirational statement. He said; “Spread in every nook and cranny to introduce Sultan-ul-Faqr Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali in the whole world”.
Keeping in view this inspiring statement the regional office of Tanzeem al-Arifeen of District Jhung remobilized their Mawlid units everywhere. In this regard, the devotees from Village Doaba arranged a grand Mawlid.
♦ Regional Office Rajaanpur
After the outstanding performance of the Lahore organization, the Rajanpur organization has also decided to follow their pattern. This decision induced a new spirit in the devotees of Rajanpur and they arranged a splendid Mawlid. They held Mawlid in the office of International Tanzeem Al-Arifeen in their region. A large number of people attended this blessed ceremony. The Mawlid ceremony continued from Maghrib (sunset) prayer till the Isha (night) prayer. All the encomium reciters of Rajanpur participated in it which included Master Amanullah, Subha Khan, Maqsood Ahmad Sultani. Not to forget the names of Fayyaz Ahmad, Fida Hussain and Hafiz Noor Mohammad. At the end, Mohammad Waseem Sarwari Qadri elaborated the grandeur of the Holy Prophet. Mohammad Hafeez Sarwari Qadri hosted the program as the stage secretary.
As a result of this program, fifteen persons got prepared to take oath of allegiance at the hand of Sultan-ul-Faqr VI. They had the honour of swearing and receiving Ism-e-Allah Zaat from him at the sacred occasion of Urs. Five members of Rajanpur organization are taking the preaching training at the central office at shrine of Sultan Bahoo. (Page 46)
♦ Appreciation to Lahore Organization in Anga
The regional organization of Anga held Mawlid of Holy Prophet on Sunday, 9th September. Here, Mufti Saleh Mohammad Faridi called everyone’s attention towards the marvellous performance of the Lahore organization. He also suggested all the regional offices to follow its pattern. Moreover, he advised that all districts must adopt and promote the new method of preaching called ‘marketing’. They must arrange convoys after every fifteen days to meet Sultan-ul-Faqr Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali. (Page 45)
♦ Enthusiasm of Lahore Organization
The office holders and workers of the Lahore organization were enthusiastically persuading the people to attend the Urs in Anga. Meanwhile Sultan-ul-Faqr VI came to Lahore on the 6th. Therefore, workers of Education town and Daroghawala offices invited devotees from all around the city to meet Sultan-ul-Faqr VI. Hundreds of devotees gathered in both the offices. Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali met those who came to Daroghawala Office at the residence of Mohammad Ilyas. Then he came to the residence of Najib-ur Rehman (the patron in chief of Lahore organization). Here, he met the devotees who had gathered in the Education Town office. Almost hundred people took oath of allegiance and got the blessing of Ism-e-Allah Zaat. The next day also, many devotees came to meet Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali. He also granted Ism-e-Allah Zaat to these devotees.
Later, the Lahore organization arranged two air-conditioned coaches just a day before departure to Anga Shareef. The convoy left on 8th September, the Sunday midnight from Education Town, Lahore. It arrived at Anga Shareef on Monday morning at nine. All the devotees had breakfast and then prepared to attend the Urs and meet the Sultan-ul-Faqr. The program of Urs reached the closing stage with prayer and recitation of Quranic verses. Many devotees took oath of allegiance at the sacred hand of Sultan-ul-Faqr VI after the Dhuhr (noon) prayer. The convoy started the return journey near dusk. (Page 46)
♦ Establishment of Multiple Preaching Units in Lahore
The devotees from Chungi Amar Sidhu, Lahore suggested to make their area a unit of Lahore organization for preaching. Additionally, provide perpetual preachers for providing any information about the organization. Not only that, but also arrange here the complete published literature and religious lectures. The regional patron in chief Najib-ur-Rehman Sarwari Qadri considered the suggestion. Thus, he decided that not only this area but he will also make new units in other areas too. For instance, he will make such units in Model Town, Green Town, Jallo Mor etc.
On 19th September 2002, Najib-ur-Rehman held the opening ceremony of Chungi Amar Sidhu unit along with other office holders. He gave this ceremony the form of Mawlid of the Holy Prophet. The disciples recited hymns and encomiums and also delivered a religious lecture after the recitation of Quran.
The regional office of Karachi has decided to follow the working pattern of Lahore organization. A convoy of devotees from Karachi arrived at the shrine of Sultan Abdul Aziz on 15th October at a bus. At this occasion, fifteen devotees took oath of allegiance at the sacred hand of Sultan-ul-Faqr VI and got Ism-e-Allah Zaat.
A convoy from Lahore comprising of two buses led by Najib-ur-Rehman arrived at the shrine of Sultan Abdul Aziz. Twenty-five devotees took oath of allegiance, while fourteen got permission of reciting Ism-e-Allah Zaat without taking oath of allegiance. Eventually, the convoy departed for Lahore in the evening after taking leave from the spiritual guide.
Meeting for Ramadan Preparations
The regional patron in chief Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman, chaired another important meeting of Lahore organization. All the office holders were part of the meeting. The proceedings of the meeting started with the recitation of Quran by the permission of Najib-ur-Rehman. Then, some members recited encomiums for the Holy Prophet and the mystic poetry of Sultan Bahoo. The stage secretary addressed the meeting. He said; “The sacred month of Ramadan is approaching. Hence, Allah will confer everyone with good intentions, benedictions and Divine favour owing to this blessed month. Particularly, this month Allah enlighten the inward of people with His kindness and mercy. We should work hard manifolds in this month for our mission and organization. So that our mission of enforcement of the real Islam is accomplished as soon as possible”.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s Address
After working upon this agenda, Najib-ur-Rehman set the following schedule in his presidential address;
Maktaba al-Arifeen will print calendars and introductory pamphlets.
Preachers will deliver religious lectures in mosques of all areas with the cooperation of devotees living in that area.
Groups will visit all areas and distribute the introductory pamphlets in every street. Also, they will invite everyone to join the convoy to have the privilege of meeting the Sultan-ul-Faqr VI.
Every unit will arrange Mawlid ceremonies.
Persuade generous people to deposit zakat (obligatory charity), fitrana (charity given before the Eid-ul-Adha) and other kinds of donations. Deposit these charities in the central treasury for the expenses of the organization.
After the Ramadan, make arrangements for the convoys to visit Sultan-ul-Faqr Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali.
Conclusion from the Reports in Mirat-ul-Arifeen
The reports of monthly magazine Mirat-ul-Arifeen are a record and proof of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen’s sincerity and love for Sultan-ul-Faqr VI. Also, they show his dedicated struggle to spread his grandeur in the world. Additionally, it is evident that he had became the most important and popular disciple among his Murshid’s devotees. When Sultan-ul-Faqr VI made him the regional patron in chief of International Tanzeem Al-Arifeen, he worked the hardest. He worked tirelessly, therefore, the organization gained success not only in his region but also in the entire country. Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen say that this extravagant success in just a few months was the grace of his spiritual guide.
Conspiracies against Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen
The group which previously had control over the organization became worried to see the success of unimportant and unknown devotees. They were losing control over the organization, so they forgot their internal enmities and joined together against Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman. Sadly, they started making attempts to incite the spiritual guide against him by making false complaints against him. However, they could not find any fault with Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman, nor they could blame him for dishonesty or insincerity. Thus, they coined fake stories against him and spread them.
Opponent’s Attempt to Stop Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen from his Duties Towards Sultan-ul-Faqr VI
The opponents even tried to stop Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen from executing duties for his Murshid by threatening him. They also used the tool of flattery, just so he loses his worth in the eyes of spiritual guide. Only because, they wanted to take away his fame in the organization. However, nothing could stop Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen and he kept progressing towards his destination steadfastly crossing all the obstacles. Sultan-ul-Faqr VI also used to give him positive clues off and on which encouraged him further.
Finally, the jealous opponents made a last attempt and they went to the second wife of Sltan-ul-Faqr VI. Not to forget, during Hajj, in the plain of Arafat, he had made her the sister of Sultan Najib-ur-Rehman. The opponents convinced her to order Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen to stop the work of organization. They used this trick because they knew that Sultan Najib-ur-Rehman never refused her words. The issue had become very delicate now. Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen had to deal it with wisdom.
At last, she called Sultan Najib ur Rehman over the phone. She ordered him, “Stop the organizational work” hence, he answered, “No doubt obeying your order is obligatory upon me.” However, he did not retreat from his duty and continued it. It was the month of Ramadan; therefore, he had already paused the organizational activities. As it was difficult to arrange the pre-dawn meal for fasting and the meal to break the fast while travelling. On the other hand, the group of opponents remained busy in conspiracies throughout the month of Ramadan.
Pir Bahadur Shah Esoterically Congratulated Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen on Success
On 13th December 2002 (8th Shawwal 1423 H), Sultan-ul-Faqr VI went to the shrine of Pir Bahadur Ali Shah. It was his nine nights stay, where he had already warned everyone not to say anything to Najib-ur-Rehman. Anyway, the group gathered at the shrine from the entire country. Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman also went to meet his spiritual guide at the shrine on Sunday, 15th December 2002. The inner state of the opponent group was obvious from their faces.
When Sultan Najib-ur-Rehman reached the shrine, Sultan-ul-Faqr VI was taking rest, so he went inside the shrine and recited dawat. He sat beside the sacred grave of Pir Bahadur Ali Shah, who spiritually said, “Congratulations! You have succeeded. What do you want now, the organization or the Ism-e-Allah Zaat?” He answered, “Definitely Ism-e-Allah Zaat”. Indeed, his only objective and real destination was Ism-e-Allah Zaat. He never ever desired ranks, organizations or power. The hard work he was doing was just to accomplish the mission of his spiritual guide and please him.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Passed all Trials
Sultan ul Ashiqeen had passed his last trial by choosing Ism-e-Allah Zaat. Now, Allah was blessing him with what he desired, indeed, no other achievement could be better or greater than this. After reciting dawat at the grave of Pir Bahadur Ali Shah, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen met his beloved spiritual guide. When he held his hand to kiss, Sultan-ul-Faqr VI pressed his hand a little which was a secret clue between them. It was a gesture of agreement and appreciation from his Murshid.
No one could stop Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman in the way except his spiritual guide. Hence, he achieved the destination of Tawhid (the Divine Oneness) surpassing all the hurdles. Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali had assigned the duty of organizational work to Sultan Najib-ur-Rehman to train and test him. Verily, he had succeeded in the test and his spiritual guide had completed his training. Now, since he had already fulfilled the purpose, therefore, he could stop the work of organization. Pir Bahadur Ali shah had already given him clue spiritually during dawat.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Stopped Organizational Work
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen left the shrine that day after offering Asr (afternoon) prayer. Later, spiritual guide informed the group of opponents that Najib-ur-Rehman would stop the work of organization immediately. Also, he would separate from his companions. However, Sultan Najib-ur-Rehman faced a problem that how he would announce among his companions that he had stopped the work. Allah solved that problem as well. One day, Lala Khuda Bakhsh, driver of Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali called Sultan Najib-ur-Rehman on phone. He conveyed him the order of the spiritual guide to immediately stop the organizational work. Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman made that call an excuse to stop the work.
In this way Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen gave the organization to the group of opponents and got the Ism-e-Allah Zaat for himself. Driver Lala Khuda Bakhsh was highly applauded by them on stopping the work of organization. Unfortunately, those unwise and foolish people could not understand the hidden fact behind it. They didn’t ponder that how is it possible that he gave any worth to driver Lala Khuda Bakhsh’s call. When he did not stop his work even on insistence of the most important personalities. In fact, Allah had already resolved his matter esoterically taken the decision.
That group had no idea of it and they misunderstood that they had succeeded in their aim of stopping him. This is exactly the difference between the outward intelligence and discussions and the spiritual connection and veritable inward observation!
Completion of the Mission of Sultan-ul-Faqr VI
From then onwards Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali separated himself from everything, it seemed as if he had completed his mission. Sultan-ul-Faqr VI followed the way of his spiritual guide Sultan Abdul Aziz. Like his Murshid, he trained his spiritual confidant Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen for two years as the heir of the Divine Trust. So that he can continue the Divine guidance and persuasion after him. Pir Bahadur Ali Shah also trained his heir Sultan Mohammad Abdul Aziz for two years (1932 -1934). Then he too trained Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali for two years (1979-1981). Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali also gave spiritual training to Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman for two years i.e. from 2001 till 2003.
Spiritual Observation to the Opponents
Now a few questions arise! Did Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali grant any spiritual observation to the opponents of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen? Or to those who do not accept him as the heir of Divine Trust? Any spiritual observation that would confirm his heirship or not?
The answer is, most certainly, he did. Rather he granted this observation inwardly to everyone. But when a person’s ego, conceit and stubbornness occupy him, he does not believe even his own inward. In this regard, we would mention only one inward observation of a disciple of Sultan-ul-Faqr VI, named Sajid Hussain.
♦Spiritual Observation of Sajid Hussain
Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman also verified the spiritual observation of Sajid Hussain.
Sajid Hussain belongs to Daduwal, Dina (District Jhelum) and lives in Lahore. He had the same dream thrice since August 2003 till November 2003. Often, he discussed that dream with fellow disciples. Mohammad Asad Khan Sarwari Qadri is its witness and narrator. Asad Khan is the special disciple of Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali. Sajid Hussain has left the seven years long company of Sultan Najib-ur-Rehman since 9th November, 2004 making a minor excuse. As he is a bit opportunist, may Allah bless him with His closeness and the insight to understand the truth! In the words of Sajid Hussain the dream is as follows:
♦Sajid Hussain’s Dream
“I see that many people are present in the company of Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali. He is sitting on a bed. He says ‘I have selected thirty-two (or thirty-three, he did not remember the exact number) persons. Among all of my disciples only they have come up to my standard.’ Meanwhile, Mr. Najib stands up. Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali says to him, ‘Dear Najib-ur-Rehman! I have not included you in them. Your case is different and you are the special one among all of them.”
Sajid Hussain told that he could not recognize any person in that gathering in the dream except Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman. Afterwards, there continued a hot discussion among the disciples of Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali. They all discussed that who could be among those thirty-two or thirty-three persons! However, the point to ponder is that why the case of Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman is different from all other? Why is he special? It is because the heir of Divine Trust is unique and his matter is special and different from all others.
Death of Sultan-ul-Faqr VI
Sultan-ul-Faqr VI Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali died on 26th December 2003. That ended the exoteric relation between him and Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman. But esoterically this relation became eternal. Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman became the exact reflection of his spiritual guide annihilating in him. Spiritually, there remained no duality or separation between them. As Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen became the same as Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali. His spiritual guide tested him in every possible way. And on passing every trial, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen proved that only he was capable. Only he deserved to be the heir of the Divine Trust! Hence, Sultan-ul-Faqr VI absolved his responsibility by transferring his spiritual asset and powers to Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen and left this world physically.
The Third Period of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen's Life
From here starts the third period of the life of Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman as a Sarwari Qadri spiritual guide. Allah elevated him to the level of spiritual guide from a seeker and disciple. He ascended to the throne of Divine guidance and spiritual persuasion as the spiritual leader of the Sarwari Qadri order. To guide the seekers of Allah is the last and most important duty assigned to him by his spiritual guide. He is executing this duty with the same dedication as he had done the previous ones, rather with more diligence. May Allah help him and grant him success in this trail as well. Owing to his sincere hard work and pure intentions. Ameen
Sultan-ul-Faqr VI called Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen the Detail of Faqr
Sultan-ul-Faqr VI once said to Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen, “I am the title of Faqr and you would be the detail of Faqr.” This prediction proved to be true exactly. Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali opened the door of way of Faqr in this materialistic age. Earlier spiritual guides had closed this door for the commonality. While Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman is spreading Faqr all over the world. Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen does esoteric and exoteric struggle to spread Faqr. Not only that but he is magnificent manifestation of Faqr in his sacred self. Undoubtedly, this explains Sultan-ul-Faqr VI’s words about him that, “You would be the detail of Faqr.”
Difference Between Holding the Seat of Shrine Superior and Holding the Throne of Divine Guidance
Here it is necessary to explain a fact that there is a great difference between shrine superior and a spiritual guide.
♦The Shrine Superior
The superior of a shrine is only the physical heir and successor of the Saint. Also, the shrine superior inherits only the material assets of the Saint. His job is to take care of the matters of his shrine, the income of shrine is also his right. Now, according to the laws of inheritance, just like other property the sons can inherit superior seat of the shrine. Whether they deserve it or not! Sometimes, before death, the Saint himself appoints his actual spiritual successor as the superior of his shrine. In that case, usually the sons of the Saint get him evicted through the court. As by court laws, the superior seat of the shrine is inheritance to the sons of the Saint.
Although, before the British rule in India, it was true that usually the spiritual heir also held his shrine seat. However, the British rulers made a law that the superior seat of the shrine include in the inheritance property. They did this just to destroy the mystic system of Muslims.
♦Holder of the Throne of Divine Guidance
The possessor of the throne of Divine guidance and persuasion is the spiritual successor and veritable heir of the Saint. He inherits the complete spiritual assets of the Saint and has no interest in the matters or income of the shrine. Because, the Saint has blessed him with the veritable treasure of Faqr. The responsibility of the spiritual successor who adorns the throne of Divine guidance is to guide the seekers of Allah. He not only esoterically but also exoterically guides them on the path to Allah. Also, he elevate them to the highest spiritual levels of vision of Allah and presence of the Mohammadan Assembly. He purifies their innerself with his Divine attention.
The lust of material wealth, worldly honour and power are the biggest hurdles of the way to Allah. Now a days, the seat of shrine superior is related with all the undesirable things. The shrine superiors of this age not only usurp the income of the shrine. They also use this seat to take votes from their devotees to come into power. Hence, the true spiritual successor of the Saint who bears the Divine Trust always keeps away from these matters.
To sum it up, keep this fact in mind that Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman is the spiritual successor. He is the spiritual heir of Sultan-ul-Faqr VI Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali. Thus, he holds the throne of Divine guidance and persuasion after him. He has nothing to do with the seat of superior of his shrine.